'Pinky promises are never broken.'

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"Jer? Is that you?" *swoosh* " Who's there?!" A woman stepped out the shadows. " Hello, Elena." She whipped around. " W-who are you?" The woman chuckled. " Fear not, I'm not here to bring you harm. I'm here because it's come to my attention that you know a old friend of mine." Elena's eyes narrowed in confusion. " Who- Klaus!" The woman's smile grew, it was almost a smirk. " Smart girl. I want you to relay a message."   " How do you know Klaus?" The woman walked toward a table, it had a picture of Elena and Jeremy. " What happy looking siblings. Elena, I ask the questions you answer." She nods, something told her that if she didn't comply something bad would happen. " He has broken the hybrid curse I presume?" She nods. " Hm. How are you still alive?" The woman inches closer to Elena. " I- uh- we have a witch, she casted a spell, it linked my life force with someone else's." The woman nods. " Clever. Klaus couldn't have been happy about that, he found out he couldn't make more hybrids, right?" She nods. " I assume he also found out that your blood was the key? You don't have to tell me, I already know, Klaus is very smart and resourceful." Elena's breath becomes heavy. " Can you just tell me what you want me to tell Klaus?" The woman rolls her eyes. " Inpatient, but fine, Tell Klaus that Ray has returned and that she plans to make good on her promise." Elena nods. " Okay is that a-" but the woman was gone.

" This woman said she knows Klaus?" Damon asks. Elena nods shakily. " Yes, she also knew everything about the curse! She wants me to give Klaus a message." Damon's eyes narrowed. " Well? What's the message?" Damon takes a sip of his bourbon. " She wanted me to tell him that Ray is back and she's going to make good on their promise." He groans. " Great. Did she say who this Ray is?" Elena shook her head. " No. She disappeared before I could ask." Damon stood up. " Where are you going?" He turns around. " we're going to get some answers."

" What brings you here?" Klaus asks, smirking. " Apparently someone named Ray is back. I was hoping you could feel in some blanks" Damon says. Klaus eyes widen. " What did you just say?! Where did you here that name?" Elena walked over toward Damon and Klaus. " This woman appeared in my house last night, she knew about everything that was happening and wanted me to give you a message." He leans in. " Well? What's the bloody message?!" She sighs. " Rays back and she plans on making good on your promise." He pulls out his phone. " Rebekah? We have a problem."

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