'The ruby stake'

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"Hello ,Bonnie." Bonnie turned around. She used her magic to cause Aneurysms. " Are you Ray?!" The woman stood still. Slightly rubbing her head. " I assume they filled you in. Well, no matter, this makes this whole thing a lot easier. Bonnie, like you I am a witch." She gasps. " B-but, how?! Didn't you get turned into a vampire!!" Ray nods. " Yes, I did. However, I found a spell that would allow me to retain my powers." Bonnie stops her magic. " Ah, thank you, if you didn't stop I might have had to use force." Bonnie glares. " What do you want from me?" Ray walks around Bonnie. " I need your help." " I'm not helping you until you tell me what's your motive!" Ray glares but eventually smiles. " Fair enough." She snaps her for fingers. " W-wait we're in the Stefan and Damon's house! How did you do that?"  " Simple-" she was cut off. " Well I'll assume your Ray." Damon asked. " Well, hello Damon. We haven't had a chance to talk yet." He looks her up and down. " I see why Klaus had a thing for you." She chuckled. " Ah, yes. Those were the days. Elena! " she turns around. " Now where is - here he is." Stefan entered the room. " Well this is interesting."

" As I told Bonnie, I'll need some help from all of you. But I understand that trust is a big thing so- I'll start from the beginning." The all sit down.


" Hello, love." She turned around. " Klaus! You've kept me waiting." He chuckles. " And I'm sorry, dear, but I come bearing good news." She smiles. " I can turn you tomorrow!" She runs and kisses him. " Im so happy! I must leave and prepare the spell!" He looks at her with confusion. " What? What spell?" She giggles. " I'm sorry I didn't tell you but I wasn't sure it was going to work until today. I can become a vampire and still keep my powers!" He smirks. "That's amazing."  " I know, goodbye Klaus." He smiles. " Good bye, my love."

" I assume you heard about Rayanne." A lady said. " May, we can't do this." A younger girl said. " We have to. She cannot be allowed to become a vampire and keep her powers. The spirits won't allow it!" May said grabbing her grimore. " Look, if she becomes a vampire and she still has her powers, she'll be basically unstoppable. This spell will make it so she can be stoped for good." She says a she flips to a page in the book.

" Grrm. There." Klaus cuts his hand dripping the blood into one of the cups. The other cup was already full, it held human blood. " Drink this and we'll be together forever, neither of us will be alone." She grabs the cup with Klaus's blood and drinks it all. " Before I do this, promise me, promise me that we'll be together forever." He says holding a sword. " Yes! Always Klaus, I promise-" the blade slid into her abdomen. " K-Klaus." She breathes her last breath. " Rest, my dear. When you wake, it'll be our new beginning."  Two witches burst into the room. " What-" May stakes him. " Hurry, Lillian! Grab Rayanne!"

" Klaus? What- Mother?!" Ray looks down, her legs, and arms were bound. " Sister, mother?! What's going on? Where's Klaus?" May grabs Rays hand, slicing it. " Ahh!"  She then places a cup underneath her hand. " Rayanne, You have made a grave mistake, As Bennett witches we are supposed help keep balance and you went and destroyed that of which we work to protect!" Ray tried using her magic. " Why can't I use magic!?" Lillian dragged Klaus toward May. " Why must I do all the heavy lifting?" Lillian groaned. "  What are you doing to him?!" May stuffed a cloth into her mouth. " Quiet. Just know that I'm doing this to help you. I wish I didn't have to do this." She grabs Klaus's hand, cutting it, allowing the blood to flow into a cup. She takes the cups and pour both Ray and Klaus's blood into a bowl. She places a stake in the bowl. She starts to chant. Her and Lillian join in hands. " It's working!" Lillian shouts as the blood seeps into the stake, turning it a bright ruby red. " Now!" They pick up the stake and thrusts it through her heart. "M-mother, sister." She takes her last breath. " Mother, are you sure it worked?" Before she could answer Ray woke up. " Ugh!" She pulled off the metal bindings and ripped out the stake. " What spell did you too cast." The mother picked up the stake. " I guess we weren't the one you loved the most." Lillian said. " No, but I'm sure it's Klaus. The spell we casted makes it so no matter what spells you cast the one you love the most will kill you. They will get the stake and put it through your heart. No force will stop them."

"Klaus. No! How could you?!" May sighed. " Now we wait until he wakes up. Rayanne, make this easy-" Tears were running down her face as she looked down, she held her mothers heart. " Mother! Rayanne how could you?!" She ran over to Lillian, ripping off all of her limbs, leaving her barely alive. " I'm so sorry." She turned around. " Goodbye Klaus, I will make good on our promise one day." And like that she was gone.

*end of flashback*

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