'Always and Forever'

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A/n- I decided to update my writing style! I've been testing out new techniques and decided this fit my style nicely! I hope you like it! Also, everything in italic is a flashback!

love uuuuuu <3

"Hello, Bonnie Bennet." A voice echoed from the shadows. Bonnie looked up from her grimoire. " Ray." She's slowly turned around. " Why are you here?" Ray makes her way toward the young witch. " Like I've said many times. I need you're help." She nodded. " If I do help you, you have to promise me that once you break the curse, you'll leave me and my friends alone. That you'll leave Mystic Falls, and take Klaus with you." Ray nodded. " You have my word. That is all I've wanted for over nine hundred years; to be with the love of my life." Bonnie furrowed her eye brows. " What do I need to do?"

Bonnie and Ray join in hands, chanting in Latin. "exponentia dimittere quae signat potestatem!" They shout, the wind howled, leaves beginning to swirl around them. You could feel the power in their voice. " It's working! Keep chanting!" Ray shouted, her eyes rolling back, only the whites showing. " exponentia dimittere quae signat potestatem!" Bonnie screamed, passing out from the overwhelming power.

"Thank you, Bonnie."

" I did what I thought was best." Bonnie said to a furious Damon. " You thought giving the already invincible, vampire witch, access to her full powers was a good idea?!" He yelled, pacing back and forth. " She promised that once she, we, break the curse she'll take Klaus and leave Mystic Falls." She reassured. Damon scoffed in disbelief. " And you believe her!?" He asked, pouring himself a drink in the hopes of calming his nerves. " Damon, maybe Bonnie is right? I mean, so far all she's wanted was to be reunited with Klaus." Stefan spoke up. "And if you're wrong?" Damon questions, his eyebrows furrowed. " Let's just hope we aren't wrong."

" Well, if it isn't Damon. I thought you weren't the biggest fan of me, so what brings you here?" Ray asked, an amused smirk evident on her lips. "How do we break the curse that is causing Klaus to want to kill you?" She takes a sip of her drink, sitting the now empty glass on the bar table. " Two Bennet witches, the Ruby stake, and the blood of the one whom I love most." Ray says, matter -of -factually. Damon nods. " You'd better make good on you're promise." She smiles. " You have no reason to worry, Damon. I always keep my word. Isn't that right—" She turns. " Elijah." She confirms. " When Niklaus told me that you'd returned I couldn't believe my ears. I had to confirm this for myself." He takes a step forward in disbelief. " I have returned, Elijah. And I plan on making good on my promise to Klaus." He nods. " I shall grant you my help. I trust you wholeheartedly and I believe that your intentions are pure." He says, placing a hand on Ray's shoulder. " I'm truly grateful, dear Elijah."

" Come on in, mister Mikaelson." Ray giggled, inviting in the vampire. Elijah stepped one foot inside, cautiously before stepping completely in. " Please, Rayanne, call me Elijah. Mister Mikaelson feels to proper, even for my taste." He smiles, giving her a small hug. "Have you seen Niklaus? We were set to have a date at noon, however he was nowhere to be found?" Ray asks, worry spread across her features. " I believe he was with Rebekah, he mentioned something about needing help picking out flowers." She chuckled. " Ah, of course. Niklaus and his theatrics." They both let out a chuckle, after a while a comfortable silence filled the air. " I really care for you're brother, Elijah." Ray confessed. " I know, Ray. And I assure you, he reciprocates those feelings tenfold." He smiles warmly. Klaus bursts through the door, a bouquet of perfectly ripe lilies in hand. " I deeply sorry I am late, love. However, I do hope you'll still accompany me?" Klaus exhales, clearly out of breath. " Why, of course, Niklaus. I'd love too." She turns to Elijah. " Please excuse me." He nods with a smile.

" Where are you taking me?" Ray giggles, anticipation building up. Klaus covered her eyes with his hand, gently guiding her through a field. " Just a tad bit longer and we'll arrive, my love." He says, you could almost hear the smile in his voice. He removed his hands, placing them on her shoulders. Ray took a look around. There was a beautiful field of sunflowers, their petals shone from the sun light. He spread out a quilt, a picnic basket sat atop. A wine bottle sat beside it. Her favorite books also lay on the quilt. She turned toward Klaus, her lips curved into a giant smile, as a few tears escaped her eyes. " This.. this is wonderful Niklaus!" She jumped into his arms, instinctively, he wrapped his arms around her waist, pulling her closer. " I take it you like it?" He chuckled into her ear. She nodded vigorously. " I don't merely like it—" She paused, looking into his beautiful blue eyes that glimmered in the now setting sun. " I love it."
They spent the night laying on the quilt, feeding each other and cooing sweet nothings. Once they finished, Klaus picked up one of the books. A letter to Milena. He began to read it to her. Her eyes fluttered shut as she let his voice lull her to sleep. Once she'd fallen asleep, Klaus kissed her forehead. " I shall love you, always and forever." As if she had heard him in her slumber, her smile grew.

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