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The day of the battle was eerily calm. Luckily, to my advantage, it snowed the night before, and the ground was still wet. Meaning, I could use my newfound ability if I needed to. Once the newborns made it to the field, the calm was shattered, and the battle began. I spent most of my time on the defense, only attacking when my family or one of the wolves were in danger. The battle didn't last too long, not with the bloodlust fueling the newborns, and especially not with the wolves on our side.

Once they were all taken care of, Emmett and Jasper built a fire while Esme and Carlisle tended to a frightened newborn they were hoping to take in. I felt for the small girl, seeing myself in her. She apparently thought so too, and clung to me while Esme tried to calm her.

"What's your name?" I asked the shaking girl.

"Bree." She replied quietly. "Bree Tanner."

"Cullen." I corrected. "Bree Cullen."

Before I could hear what she said afterward, I was hit with a vision of Jane and Felix Volturi, leading two more of the Volturi guard toward us.

"Sam!" I called, eyes focusing in on the large black wolf. "Tell Seth to tell Edward we need him and Bella here."

Sam nodded and relayed the message for me.

"What's happening?" Bree asked.

"Don't worry." I smiled down at her. "Everything will work out just fine, Bree."

"I don't want to die." She panicked.

"You won't." I soothed, brushing her hair out of her face. "I won't let anyone harm you."

She nodded her head, tightening her grip on me just slightly. I know she was afraid to hurt me, but she needed the comfort. So, I wrapped my arms around her and pulled her toward the large pile of burning newborns.

"How long?" Edward demanded, showing up to the field with Seth and Bella.

"A few minutes, maybe ten?" I answered, still holding Bree.

"The pack needs to leave." Carlisle insisted. "The Volturi won't honor a truce with the werewolves."

A newborn straggler stepped out of the tree-line, headed straight for Leah.

"No!" I called.

"Leah, don't!" Edward shouted. But it was too late; the she-wolf and the newborn were struggling, and Leah was losing. Jacob tore the newborn off of Leah and got himself squeezed by the newborn.

"Jacob!" Bella called, rushing over to Jake's side as he shifted to his human form. Carlisle ran over to him, hoping to help before his accelerated healing kicked in.

"Jacob, you idiot, I had it!" Leah Clearwater shouted at the fallen Jacob.

"Leah!" Sam snapped. I hesitantly let go of Bree and ran over to the growing group around Jacob.

"You need to get him out of here." I stated, looking at Sam. "The Volturi is coming, and they're not as nice as we are."

"We'll take him back to Billy's." Sam said to Carlisle, sending me a nod.

"I'll be there as soon as I can." Carlisle assured. As the pack lifted Jacob up to transport him, I was hit with another vision.

"They're coming." I stated, running back to Bree. "Just stand behind Jasper, he'll protect you."

"Promise?" Bree asked, looking at Jasper with fear in her eyes.

"He won't hurt you." I assured with a nod. "I promise."

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