Chapter 1- King of Zodiacs

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King Rim Xyxia Euryna

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King Rim Xyxia Euryn
a.k.a Supreme King, Light King
(King of Zodiacs, Ruler of Eternal Realm)

Gentle rays of sunrise streamed into the chamber, painting everything they touched with a lovely, golden glow as the grand double doors swung open. A gallant knight adorned with regal armor bore with thirteen rings approached the throne. His every step echoed through the royal chamber.

The knight, none other than Lord Zerxia Gradeir, the head of the Zodiac Knights, genuflected before the ruler, his armor clinking softly as he knelt on one knee.

"Your Majesty," he greeted with outmost respect.

Seated upon an intricately carved ivory throne was a young man exuding an ethereal allure and an aura of unfathomable might. His porcelain skin seemed to absorb the sunlight, lending it a soft, otherworldly glow. The strands of his hair, gleams as white as freshly fallen snow, tousled by the breeze, adding to his enigmatic charm.

But he seems lost in the world of words. The young man with a beauty of no mere mortal trait was engrossed in the pages of a book held delicately in his slender hands. His golden eyes, gleaming like the ethereal sun, moved from line to line, as if devouring the wisdom contained within the pages.

There was a captivating stillness about him, an air of calm contemplation that drew those who caught sight of him into a state of awe.

"The kings have set forth on their journey to the god's tower, as commanded."

The young king shuts the book, his twenty translucent golden rings shimmer on his fingers. He finally make an eyes contact to his young warlord. His eyes flares with terrifying authority.

"Has he arrived?" The king's voice resonated with a commanding tone.

"Your Majesty, he has at last made his way to the academy," the warlord responded with unwavering respect.

Rim Xyxia Euryn, the illustrious and revered King of Zodiacs, the Supreme, and the ruler of Eternal Realms, rose from his ornate throne with a graceful yet powerful motion. He wears a white robe with gold and crimson accents that symbolized his regal stature.

Without hesitation, he declared, "Then we shall proceed."

Lord Zerxia ushered the king out of the royal chamber. A luxurious vehicle arrived at the entrance, and the royal knights swiftly paraded on both sides as the Chauffeur opened the white vehicle, which resembled between limousine and an otherworldly chariot.

Lord Zerxia and the Royal Knights embarked on their individual vehicles, one by one, soaring through the clouds along the illuminated path that followed the King's journey toward the Center Fold—the majestic God's Tower.

As they approached the enigmatic edifice situated in the heart of a tranquil lake, an aura of antiquity surrounded it. The unweathered structure stood adorned with vines, as if nature itself sought to reclaim the towering marvel. Eight majestic pillars rose proudly, each bearing a royal crest, further adding to the air of regal grandeur that permeated the site.

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