XI-B (XXXIV-B). Girls' Talk 💬

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In the Common Room

Ameri was happily making final adjustments for another manga reading session with Isabelle, Ryūko, and Iruma while Lavande comes along as their guard. You could say this was going to be their way of celebrating their examination results. Since Ameri wasn't able to contact them during the End-Of-Terminus exams, this was rather sudden. She's even bought them a popular herbal tea that's perfect for relaxation. How thoughtful of Ameri.

The door of the Common Room opened up. But when Ameri thought it was Isabelle, Ryūko, Iruma, and Lavande at the door, she was greeted by Clara's arrival.

"Issy-kins, Ryūko-kins, Iruma-kins, and Lave-Lave can't make it!" Said Clara.

"Huh?!" Exclaimed Ameri in confusion.


In the Game Battler Room, Screeching Room

Turns out, the boys of the Misfit Class were all having a karaoke party and Goemon was singing to Magical Babyrinth by Da Pump along with his friends. Jazz was playing the tambourine as that happened. But Picero couldn't stand the loud volume while trying to sleep. Poor little guy.

"So I guess this is the Screeching Room." Muttered Asmodeus, "Who would've known the Game Battler had such a place."

'Somehow, I got dragged here to celebrate the end of the End-Of-Terminus exams.' Thought Iruma, 'Isa, Sis, Lavande and I had plans with Ameri, too...'


In the Common Room

"Ameri, I'm so sorry." Apologized Iruma via text message, "Something came up, and I won't make it to our reading session. You should probably expect my sister, Isa, or Lavande to come by."

'Aw... Iruma's not coming, maybe the other two, as well.' Pouted Ameri before she turned to Clara, "I see. Well, thanks for coming all this way to tell me. I appreciate it. Actually, why was it you who came to tell me?"

"Ah! That's an easy answer! 'Cause we need to chit-chat, Lady Redhair!" Said Clara.

"Lady What?!" Asked Ameri confused with the nickname.

Clara grabbed Ameri by the hand, along with her tea set, running off to somewhere. Let's hope that Clara is careful with those fragile cups.


In the Magical Apparatus Battler Room

Surprisingly, Clara got all the girls from the Misfit Class and the Student Council President into the Magical Apparatus Battler Room. Even the tea Ameri bought was brewed when they came in.

"Heh! Girls' time!" Exclaimed Clara.

"Why should all boys have all the fun?" Smiled Elizabetta brightly, "Let's enjoy ourselves, too."

'Why am I even doing here?' Questioned Ameri while awkwardly shivering.

'Why's the Student Council President here?' Thought Keroli, Kaminari and Yanna.

"We're so glad you came here, Ameri." Said Isabelle, "It would be a bore if you're not around."

"Ah, President Azazel. I sincerely apologize for the inconvenience one of my subordinates has brought you here." Said Ryūko as she came over to the coffee table and sat down with Lavande.

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