V (XXVIII). Invite Your Friends 🥳

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At Sullivan's Mansion

Dusk was at bay, Isabelle, Ryūko, and Iruma returned home at last now that the trial of Lavande is over, so is their Student Council training.

"Hey, Grandfather/Grandpa, Opera!" Addressed the twins, "We're ho-"

Sullivan quickly tackled both siblings to the ground, expressing how much he missed them.

"Welcome home, sweet Ryūko and Iruma!" Greeted Sullivan, "Oh, I just missed you so much! So much!"

"Welcome home, Ryūko and Iruma. Good to see you." Greeted Opera.

"I-Indeed. Thank you." Replied Ryūko.

Getting inside the mansion, the front hall stair railings were decorated with shimmering ribbon boas and a banner with yellow and purple roses as a framing said

"Ryūko & Iruma's Welcome Home Party!!"

The latter child looked surprised.

"Wait, we're having another party?" Asked Iruma.

"Seems likes it." Shrugged Ryūko.

"Ever since you two finished Student Council training, Lord Sullivan has been like this for a week already." Said Isabelle. "I just wonder when he will ever stop coddling since he missed you both."

"Well, you've been gone such a long time, I'm just so happy you finally came home from the Student Council!" Said Sullivan, "Although last welcome home party was yesterday."

"Then, what occasion comes for tonight, Grandfather?" Asked Ryūko.

"Why, this is your welcome home party after-party!" Answered Sullivan.

Apparently, we missed that detail on the banner. Or was it because we couldn't see it clearly earlier?

"It's an after-after-party..." Sweat-dropped Iruma.

"Yup. And while we're at it, why don't you invite some people over?" Suggested their grandfather. "The more, the merrier. That means you, too, Isabelle."

"Huh? Who?" Asked Iruma.

"He means to invite our friends, silly." Sassed Ryūko rolling her eyes upon the idiocy, "That is, if we have the permission."

"Why, of course!" Said Sullivan patting the twins' shoulders.

"Okay!" Beamed Iruma, happy to hear that.

"Then, let's hop to it." Isabelle piped up as they all decided to call their friends up.


In Iruma's Room

Iruma looked over his hellphone listlessly.

'I know he told us we could invite them, but... Our whole lives, we've never invite friends...' Thought Iruma, 'Scratch that. We've never invited anyone over to our house or anything. Man, I'm so nervous.'

Just then, Ryūko and Isabelle entered the room-remembering to knock the door, of course.

A noblewoman must know proper etiquette, after all.

Ryūko was wearing a beige pleated blouse with a band collar and knee-length black skirt with frills and silver accents, topped off with an elegant navy cardigan. Isabelle was wearing a cute dress that is striped black and white on the right side and white with black, red, and gold polka dots on the left.

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