XXI-B (XLIV-B). Demon Etiquette ⚜️

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Alice Asmodeus, top scorer of the first-years at Babylus Demon School, was just in a bad mood while his mother, Amaryllis Asmodeus, was parentally fawning over her son's beauty despite the spiteful expression he held on their way for an event.

" As expected of my Alice! " Said Amaryllis, " You still look wonderful even when you're pouting! You're usually away because of school, but now that it's the End-of-Terminus, I won't let you escape ! Today you have to act like the noble you are since you'll be attending a Devilam!"

Rings a bell, does the last word? Let's see what Amaryllis means.


In demonic tongue, Devilam is the Noble's Ball - an event held regularly to allow noble demons to socialize. This should not be confused with a Sabbath / Mixer, provided the obvious differences in status for this social occasion.

'How tedious ...' Frowned Asmodeus, wanting to spend time with Iruma.

As Amaryllis went to greet other nobles, his young cousins, Violet and Lily Asmodeus, have also attended the Devilam.

" Big brother Alice! " Greeted the former holding the latter's hand, "Don't we look lovely ?!"

"Yes, both of you have become fine ladies." Bowed Asmodeus in response.

"Right ?! Hehehe! Even cuter than Miss Ryūko, Miss Isa, and Master Iruma, I bet!" Smirked Violet in hopes of getting him to start spending time with her and Lily again.

"No, Master Iruma looks good in a dress, too." Said Asmodeus.

" Y-You're kidding me, right ?! " Retorted Violet, " Big brother Alice, you idiot! "

"But I love you, anyway!" Said Lily, "I'll go fetch a meal."

"Be careful not to trip." Warned Asmodeus.

Well, when it comes to those characters you may call traps, sometimes it takes the best boy to become the best girl and vice versa.

"May His Majesty bless you, Sir Asmodeus." Said a familiar voice of a lady, "Mother and Father have gone to converse elsewhere amongst nobles of their age."

Asmodeus looked behind him and saw his childhood friend, Dame Lavande Felín, in a magnificent lilac elven gown of her color palette, paired with a lovely silver chain diadem with a few gemstones. She was absolutely beautiful as many men unintentionally laid eyes on her.

"M-Miss F-Felín, good day to you, as well." Bowed Asmodeus with a nervous tone.

"It is a regular basis of mine to attend any Devilam my months in a life can make affordable." Said Lavande before Asmodeus would choose to ask about her attendance in noble balls, "Hm... As expected, you have great tastes in your choice of attire."

"Th-Thank you, Miss Felín. I suppose I may say the same for your attire." Stammered the nobleman, unable to be unfazed by the second party's beauty.

"Hey, that's the Asmodeus a-and Felín...!" Said a gentleman from nearby, "It's rare seeing Lady Asmodeus's son with her, but Felín is as stunning as always!"

"Sh-Should we greet them?" Asked another male demon, scared of being out of Asmodeus and Lavande's league.

"I'm getting nervous..." Said a small demon.

Suddenly, a noble lady pushed one of the men aside.

"Hey, out of my way." She said with two woman following her before greeting Asmodeus and Lavande, "Pleased to meet you, Alice Asmodeus and Lavande Felín."

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