Chapter 1

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        "Sierra! You get your wolf yet?" Jasmine another omega asked me. She's only fifteen, but she's a feisty little devil child at least when she wants to be. She has another six months before she'll get her wolf.
    "Not yet, I should get her around noon." Right now it's 8am, and since I was born at 12:01pm I don't get my wolf until then, but I'm so excited to meet her. Just a few more hours.
    "Cool when's your test?" She asked urgently.
    "I think it's at five, that way I have time to get to acquainted with my wolf."
    "Man girl you're so lucky! Can't wait to turn sixteen anyways call me when you get done!" She said as she hurried down the hall to her first period class.
    The rest of the day went by uneventful until half way through lunch at precisely 12:01.
    Hello Sierra, I hear a voice in my head.
    Hey are you my wolf? I ask unsure, this is all so knew.
    I am one of your wolves, I was the first given to you when you were born. The voice said.
    Wait one of my wolves? I ask skeptically, you only ever get one wolf, no one has ever had multiple.
    Yes, I am Charlotte.
    I'm Jayden. Another voice said. A male voice this time.
    Wait a sec! I have two wolves? I exclaimed in my head totally freaking out right now. And one is a male?
    Yes dear. I am Jayden, the original wolf of the great Alexander and now I am yours as well. You my dear are a very special wolf destined for great things.
    How can I be destined for great things? I was born an omega, it's near impossible for someone born of such a rank to become anything more than delta or gamma level if they're lucky.
    You are a direct descendant of Nicolas and Peterson sons of Alexander, second Alpha and first Beta of this pack. Jayden stated.
    You will have two mates as well, a male and female. You'll have the abilities of Nicolas, Peterson, Alexander, and some of your own as well. Charlotte chimed in.
    You will be a true Alpha. Jayden told me.
    True Alphas are a myth. I said confused. A true Alpha has never existed, even Alexander and the rest of Fenrir's children weren't true Alphas they were considered Blood Alphas. True Alphas are stronger than the first Alphas. Though there's never been one, except for maybe Fenrir, but he was actually a God, but his power is what a true Alphas power would look like, it's equal to the power of a god.
    Wait a sec, you said I'd have Alexander's power? What was his power, no one ever talks about it. I ask confused, no one knows what Alexander power entails.
    You are the first True Alpha. Charlotte said at the same time Jayden said, He was a healer and a destroyer, he could give or take life at will. You have the healing part of that power.
    At that the bell rang signaling the end of lunch.
    "Sierra! It's after twelve so you got your wolf now?" Jasmine asked as she ran up from behind me on our way to class. Man this girl doesn't leave me alone.
    "Yeah, her names Charlotte." I say purposely not mentioning that I have two wolves especially the fact that ones a male.
    "Cool. Any clue who your mate is yet?" She ask.
    "Not yet." I tell her silently hoping she'll stop bombarding me with questions.
    Today at five o'clock a wolf from the White Moon pack is taking her test to find out her rank. It's a thing only White Moon does, for other packs power is exchanged through bloodlines, but their power exchange is different and I don't completely understand why that is. It's also said that they have special abilities, though no one completely believes it because no one alive today has actually witnessed these so called abilities. But all the Alphas from all the packs within a hundred miles or so always go to these ceremonies. Some go to find their mate, some go to attempt to witness these abilities, some go to have fun, and some go to see if some special is going to happen.
    From what I've heard this girl was born as an omega so she'll likely stay at such a rank. Personally I'm going because I was invited and it'd be rude not to go, though honestly not expecting anything crazy to happen. My beta will also be going. She is the only female beta in the world right now.
    It's weird how she has so much power as a female and I've always felt a sort of connection with her, not quite a mate bond, but kinda similar. When it first started right after getting our wolves three years ago we stupidly mistook it for a mate bond, and we still feel it to this day, but we're not mates. We fooled around for a while and still do occasionally but we realized we don't feel it like other mates do we aren't territorial of each other and we don't need to constantly be around each other, nor are we instantly turned on simply by each other's scent. So it's something else we just don't know what that is. Our wolves also won't clue us into anything on the matter, so at this point it is what it is.
    We arrive at the White Moon pack at four, which gives us enough time to get settled into our rooms and get something to eat before we have to be at the field for the test at five.

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