❝𝘤𝘩𝘢𝘱𝘵𝘦𝘳 𝘰𝘯𝘦❞

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Shadowleaf stared into the trees that surrounded her.
There's nothing to do... she thought miserably. Shadowleaf's apprentice Redpaw recently got killed in a territorial fight over borders with Nightclan. The murderer was not punished as Nightclan had started to evacuate because of their miserable loss of warriors.

"Shadowleaf!" A she-cat yelled. Shadowleaf looked up drowsily to see Dewpaw bouncing at her feet.

"What's wrong this time, Dewpaw?" She meowed.
Dewpaw stared her down menacingly. Shadowleaf stood up and licked Dewpaw's head.

"Hey! You know I hate that, I'm not a kit anymore, and I'm so close to being a warrior like you, Shadowleaf!"

"True, but to me you still act somewhat like a kit," she said unenthusiastically. Dewpaw stared at Shadowleaf intensely.

"Shadowleaf! You're no fun, you used to be so lively, now you're just a pile of useless fur! Get up and do something useful!" Dewpaw hissed.
Shadowleaf was taken back by her words. Dewpaw also seemed to take in what she said and immediately apologized.

"Dewpaw, go bother your mentor, he has more places to show you," Shadowleaf mewed quietly.

"He said he's shown me everything already!"

Shadowleaf grew angry.

"Dewpaw," she mewed sternly. "Go to your mentor, I don't care what he says, go do something instead of bugging me, I'm just a useless lump of fur right?"

Dewpaw growled and ran off.

                              * * *
Shadowleaf went to the fresh-kill pile and took a scrawny mouse.
The cold weather hasn't been good for the animals; they went into hiding as the cold weather means they either hibernate or try to stay warm.

"All cats old enough to catch their own prey, gather beneath the highlog for a clan meeting!" Goldenstar yelled.

Shadowleaf dropped the prey and ran over to the highlog.

"As you know, we have two new kits old enough to be proclaimed as apprentices,"

Shadowleaf stared at the two small cats. They were both she-cats.

"Bramblekit, do you promise to uphold the warrior code at all times, die for your clan, and protect it at all costs?"

Bramblekit, a ginger tabby, walked forward.

"I do!" She said.

"Well then from now on, you shall be known as Bramblepaw."

The clan yelled Bramblepaw's name out three times and then let Goldenstar speak.

"Streamclaw, please step forward."

A young warrior stepped into the highlog and bowed.

"You are now known as the mentor of Bramblepaw, I trust you to treat her wisely."

"I will." Streamclaw said.

Bramblekit and Streamclaw touched noses with Goldenstar before making way for the other young she-cat.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 10, 2021 ⏰

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