The Golden Opportunity

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She loves you, yeah, yeah, yeah...

Ah, the heavenly sound of the Beatles. There's nothing better. They save me from the boredom I feel practically every day. I still live with my parents, and I'm trying to move out, but I don't think I can yet. Nothing interesting happens, aside from the same old routines they keep up. I would die for something different...

"Y/N! There's someone at the door, can you get it, please?"

I take the needle off of the record. "Sure, mom."

I walk downstairs, not even fully dressed, opening the door where one of my lifelong friends stood behind it...

"Hello, Y/N. How are you today?"

"Brian! Oh, I'm just a little bored is all. What are you doing here?"

"It's quite important. You like the Beatles, correct?"

"Like them? I love them? They're the best! I was listening to them before you came."

"I don't know if I've ever told you this, but I'm their manager."

"You're so lucky! I'd do anything to be in your shoes..."

"Well, that's the thing, Y/N. They're going on a tour of America in a few days, and with the insanity of Beatlemania, I could use some help-"

"Are you implying that-"

"Yes. I'd like you to come."


"You just need to promise me that you can contain yourself when we arrive. I don't want them to think that you're just a fangirl."

"Ok, ok, I'll calm down."

"Good. Go pack, and hurry, we're meeting them soon."

I quickly ran upstairs, putting clothes on and packing anything useful. I scribble a note for my parents and leave it on my desk:

Brian was at the door this morning. He invited me to meet the Beatles and help out on their next tour. I didn't bother to ask as even if you said no, I would've done it anyway. It's the Beatles, for crying out loud!

By the time you read this, I'll be basking in the glory of Beatlemania.

Have fun, because I know I will.

In record time, I sped down to Brian, giddy with excitement.


"I was born ready."

This is the greatest day of my life!

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