The Tea (Option 4)

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"Huh? Ringo?"


"Are you alright? Do you need something?"

"A better question is do you need something. I could hear you talking to yourself. What's the matter?"

"Oh, just can't sleep is all."

"Good thing I got you this."

Ringo held out a cup full of a warm drink.


"Lavender tea, to be exact. This should definitely help you."

I have never been into tea, but I can't reject this sweet offer. He went through all that trouble just to soothe me. Besides, I don't know what else could work at this point.

I drank it all in one sip, instantly feeling a sense of ease. My eyes became weary, and as soon as I hit the pillow, I was out.

But before I was completely, I could feel the bed sink from Ringo at my side, gently patting my head.

"Goodnight, my darling.".

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