001 | Ice Cloud

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"And this is what's left of the treasure..."

This guided visit is boring as hell. All we've seen so far are half-torn maps, worn out clothes and some jewels and tokens the guide claims as part of a so-called treasure.

Whenever I think of a treasure, I imagine a shiny golden box containing the most precious items anyone could find—gems, gold... Anything that shines and glows, right?

Instead, he's trying to sell us some old coins as something interesting. I guess I should've convinced Mom and Dad that a day at home watching TV would've been perfectly fine.

That is, until my little sister points at what seems to be a huge statue that's inside an aquarium. It consists of thirty human figures who are placed as if they were tangled to one another. "Hey, Lea, look! Don't you think they look like aliens?" she asks, much to my surprise.

I try to dismiss her theory. "Come on, Amy, don't be silly. Aliens don't-"

The guide cuts me off, believing that I'm saying that aliens don't exist. "Actually, the little girl is pretty smart! This is indeed a faithful representation of the tragic consequences of the ice gas cloud on Deng-83," he explains. For the first time, I listen to him with a newfound interest. It looks like Amy has just turned tables.

The guide goes on. "The entire population of Deng-83 was exterminated, except for thirty individuals. They look like they were tangled to each other because they had to stick to each other. They were told to enter a time-space capsule and stay there until the cloud's effects were over."

"But were they at least be able to escape?" asks Amy with a glint of hope in her eyes.

"Unfortunately, I can't really answer your question. Nothing is known about their fate." I don't know why, but I feel bad for those people. Having to leave their homeland under gruesome circumstances, without knowing if they'll ever be able to go back there, is heartwrenching.

That's why I'm grateful to live in a safe land, in a comfortable house, with a loving family.

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