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*beep* *beep* *beep*
Kal opened his eyes groggily, flailing his absolutely muscular arm in attempt to shut off his stupid alarm. Mondays were the worst. Especially when it's the first day of school.

Kal got up. Wow, he thought, it's dark in here. Better open the blinds. Kal opened the blinds, but it did not help, the sun had not risen. Am I... better than everyone else?

As Kal donned his hot punk rock tank top and short shorts that showed off his rocking hot bod, he thought about how it sucked to be going to a new school... his junior year no less! Not to mention it's a bording school for rich kids. Ugh.

Kaladin started doing his morningly 100 push-ups. There was something methodical about push ups. Up. Down. Up. Down. Kal got so into the rhythm, he didn't even notice an hour and a half pass by. STORMS!!

"KAL WhAT aRrre ya DoIInnnn? YOur gonnA be LattE 4 ClasS" Kal's papa yelled up the creaky stairs. Those stairs been creaking for years.

"COMING, Storms it's like you don't understand me," Kal groaned down the same creaky staircase.

Kal grabbed his suitcase and emo black jacket and closed the door to his room, but not before grabbing his most prized possession, his locket.

Downstairs Kal's mom gave him a lunch bag which seemed kinda stupid because Kal is going to boarding school and like... they have lunch at the school cafeteria. And like, Storms, it was so embarrassing to bring a bagged lunch.

Kal opened the bag, hoping to find his favorite snack, carrots, but alas there were none. Kal did find something... else, tbough. Apple slices. Ugh. And a note from his mom saying "luv u". Mom was great, but apple slices?

"Kal, get ur kabOOties in the car. You can't be lAte, you need ta make a GOod imprEsSion on HeadMAstEr DalinAR." Kal' father was so annoying.

They got in the car, but then Kal's dad had to go to the bathroom so Kal sat alone in the increasingly heating up car, sweating, but he could tell the sweat made him look so good so he didn't open the door.

Kal felt his stomach churn. Those five dozen eggs he ate for breakfast were not agreeing with him. He was so nervous for school. What if no one liked the super mega foxy awesome hot emo kid? What if Kaladin's eight pack wasn't enough? And tryouts were this week! Kal hadn't told his papa, but he really wanted to join the fencing football team. Just a bunch of guys throwing a ball, stabbing each other, and getting touchdowns. What else could a boy want?

Kal's papa got back in the car.

"R ya ready ta go champ?" Kal's papa looked back as he adjusted the rear view mirror.

"Dad aren't I old enough to sit in the front?"


"Whatever," Kal grumbled.

"ye r old enough 4 chemistry club tho"

"Dad I don't want to," Kal stared out the window with melancholy, "I want to be a football fencer!" Rain began pouring down, rivers of unhappiness.

"KAL we have been over this. Ye are going to be a doctor, I don't want ye stabbing and jabbing and who knows whats-ing on that field. That horrid field." Kal's papa, who is named Liran, became an ugly shade of red with anger. 

"But ITS SO MUCH MORE THAN THAT! ITS Ab-abOUT GLORY AND - and- HONOR!" Kal became flustered and tripped over his passionate words. Football fencing was an art, Kal had watched the farm boys, as Kal lived in a cow town, play it in the corn fields. Yes there were some fatal wounds involved, but those were nothing in comparison to the honorable fun you had.

"Kal I won't hear another word of this, now I'm ur papa and u gotta be in chemistry club." Kal's dad slammed his foot on the break. What a reckless driver. But they were here. At the school.

Kal's own personal hell.

Highstorm High.

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