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"Hello?" The silent whisper resonated in the small room.
"So, which hospital are you at right now?" The answer was heard clearly over the phone.
"Will you come visit me if I tell you?" a question anwered with a question.
"I don't think I can focus on you right now. I'm focusing on the divorce with your mother. I'll see you soon son," the answer was heard clearly.
"It's okay dad, bye bye." I answered.
"Bye Kellin," my father answered and I soon hung up the phone.

Soon, I was to find myself in a giant abyss of sadness, but even more sooner, I would find a light. I just had to be patient. Happiness will come soon.


"Kellin Quinn," a heard a voice call out from the hallway. I peaked out from the room I was assigned about a week ago.
I walked down the hallway to the nurse's station.
"Kellin we faxed your discharge papers to your father. He sent them back signed and said that it was fine for you to leave the hospital and head home." The nurse that was assigned to me today was kind, compared to the one I was given yesterday, and she was worried about the situation i was just placed in.

...But then again I'm seventeen and ready to turn eighteen.

"That sounds fine with me," I said.
"You sure you'll be okay?" the nurse asked. I nodded, assuring her that everything would be fine. I walked back to my room, I quickly packed up all my things and headed back to the nurse station, where they handed me a paper bag.

I packed everything and they easily led the way out with what felt like a million locks later. I walked out through the doors that led the way to a parking lot.

I sighed as I looked at the trees that hovered above the cars. The way the leaves slowly swayed from side to side. I stood there for a long time just watching. I didn't really have a way to get home in that moment. I took a few step and went to a nearby wall. I leaned against it and resumed to looking at the trees, but this time I listened to my surroundings. I could hear the sounds from a truck nearby leaving frozen ingredients for the hospital cafeteria. I could also hear a nurse, in the distance as well...she spoke on her phone.

"Hmm," I let out a hum. Then a tune, and soon I had something going on in my head. There was a coarse of happiness, sadness, disgust, and anger within me. Within me, like any other teenager, I felt that many things were my fault at this moment.


"Kellin, your mother and I are going to get a divorce... Please don't be upset, it's just, things aren't working out,"

"Kellin, do you realize what you've done? Do you think your father is happy with me...because you had to come out with your stupidity, he blamed me. Why Kellin?"


All those words, inside my mind, repeating over and over like a scratched disc. I'm confused with what type of reaction I should have about the people who brought me into this world and their words.

And like said before...I'm trying to see if this is really my fault.

It was about three minutes after I switched my attention to the nurses' that I heard another voice.

"Thank God!" It cheered out. Hmph, maybe another discharged patient?

"It still has battery level. Oh thank God!" This voice is just dying for their phone right now.

I guess, maybe, it's time for me to get home. Maybe I should ask this person to let me borrow their phone. They havebattery level, so why not let me borrow it.

I searched for the voice and saw a man, his back towards me.
"Um," shit what would I ask? He turned around as he heard the leaves under my feet crackle.

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