C24: Missing

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Switching POVs 🤪

Sungchan had just finished taking out a guy when he noticed that the guy he just killed had a M tattoo. He also saw that Maggie was nowhere to be seen.

"Jaehyun, I thought you were with Maggie. Where is she?", Sungchan said while being crouched behind the kitchen island where Jaehyun was.

"Her and Chenle went into the tattoo parlor to hide"

Sungchan went to the parlor to check on them. Worry started to fill his face when he saw Chenle passed out on the ground with bruises on his face and no Maggie to be seen.

"Sungchan hyung, there gon-CHENLE! WHAT HAPPENED TO HIM" Jisung crouched next to Chenle and tried waking him up. "Please wake up"

"Look, his chest is moving. He's still alive"

"Thank God"

"Don't say that because we have a bigger problem; Maggie got kidnapped"

"Oh no. I think that's why they all left"


"Yeah, that's what I was going to tell you. We killed most of them off, but then a super high pitch came outside which distracted us. The rest then left."

"How are the other members?"

"Fine, but a lot of them are injured"

"That's good. Are you alright?"

"Yeah...just a little scared"

"I know, I am too but we have to continue to fight them. I think we are dealing with something far more worse than we know"

"Ok" Jisung put Chenle on his back and carried him to Taeyong's office. Shotaro first healed his wounds, then started working on the others. An hour passed and Chenle finally woke up.

"Chenle!"Jisung quickly went up to him for a hug. "OW! OW!"

"Oh, I'm sorry"

"Haaahaa, I'm just messing with you. Gosh, your so easy to mess with"

"Tsk, whatever. I'm just glad you're ok"

"Chenle", said Sungchan, "What do you remember happening in the Tattoo Parlor?"

"Well, Maggie and I hid there after I saw that the guys we were fighting were that Mysterious M gang. We hid there for a while, then Maggie started to feel sick. She then passed out and as much as I tried waking her up, she wouldn't budge. Then, the door was kicked open by one of the people and two others were with them. I was protecting Maggie as much as I could but they were really strong. The rest was black. Is Maggie ok?"

"I'm afraid not. They got her"

"WHAT?!", they all said.

"Why didn't you tell us sooner?", said Johnny.

"We need to go there now!", said Jaemin.

"Hold on", said Jaehyun. "We are not going there without a plan."

"Yeah, we don't even know where she's going", said Doyoung.

After discussing, and arguing a little, they finally had a plan. Doyoung, Jaemin, Jeno, and WinWin were going to look around the base for residue the intruders might have dropped. Taeil, Chenle, and Jisung were going to look at the security cams in the computer lab. The rest were figuring out who was going to save her.

It was getting close to midnight when Taeil found something odd.

"Aw Come On!"

"What is it?", asked Chenle.

"They messed the footage up. It looks like they hacked into our systems last week!"

"So does that mean"

"They were watching us all along, waiting for the perfect opportunity", said Jisung.

"Don't worry Taeil. I think I can fix it", said Chenle. "Scoot over"

Taeil gave Chenle his seat and Chenle began to work. "Alright, all I need to do is inspect the footage, figure out what code was input into the system, delete it, restore the old code, and done." The other two leaned in closer to see what truly happened. Nothing too out of the ordinary showed up, just members walking in and out of the house, birds landing on the camera, and just plain nothing.

"This is useless", said Jisung.

"Wait, someone is coming to the doorstep", said Taeil. "Doordash? Who ordered Doordash?"

"Maggie. You know since Taeyong is out of the house, we rarely get groceries", said Chenle.

"Wait! Pause the video", said Jisung. "Now zoom into the person. Clear up the image as best as you can. That's it! I think that's the person who dropped off the package"

"Wait, I remember something! Before I passed out, when Maggie was feeling sick, she said she ate Doordash"

"So he poisoned her and waited until it would kick in", said Jisung.

"And then waited until we least expected an attack", said Taeil. "I'll put up the direction of where the car was heading while you two tell the others"

The boys told the others and hope started to fill up the room. Soon, Taeil came out and found out that the car was headed towards an abandoned city. However, the tracking glitched and he couldn't tell where exactly in the town it went.

"I got something!", said WinWin running towards them. "When I was disposing of the bodies, I found a drawing in one of their pockets. It's a drawing of a mall."

"Taeil, was there a mall in the directionthe car was going?', asked Johnny.

"Yes, there was"

"Perfect now we know where to go"

"Hold on, wait" said Doyoung walking in, "I found a walkie talkie in the bushes outside. One of the intruders must have dropped it. Someone started talking into it saying that they are taking the girl at 7AM"

"Alright, let's take our strongest members to carry out the mission,'' said Sungchan. "Let's do Johnny, Xiaojun, Jaehyun, Jeno, and Renjun as our front people, Haechan, Yangyang, Hendery, and Jaemin will be backup, and Yuta will be the driver. The rest, including me, will stay here. You guys, take the silver van since it's bigger. Get to the mall before seven, take out anyone there, and get out. Once that's over, bring her back to the base. Am I clear?"


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