[4] Working hard

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Wattson's pov:

As me and Dr. Caustic walked up the stairs i thought of things i could say to brighten this quite plain walk back, but to no avail, but right before we had reached are room i saw a slightly big box with kitty tape on it and my heart began to race. My pylon was finally here after what felt like years! I ran over to the box and picked it up with a hug. Shortly after the bigger man appered behind me looking down in confusion. "What is that you have equired Mrs. Paquette?" He asks. I stand up and give him a big smile. "My pylon and fences! for the games!". He nods and askes to see what they look like. I agree and open up the box in exitment to find that everything was exactly how i put it in, perfect! i was waiting for the blue prints aswell, as i had also put them in there for safe keeping. I pull them out and show Dr. Caustic how they work


He didnt say much at my explaination but he did seem to be a little invested in my "intellectual" as he puts it, wow he uses such smart words! "So Dr, what do you think of it? spicifically the Pylon. It deflects all incoming artillery for a sertain radious, do you believe this will be helpful for my team?" I ask hoping his answer wouldn't be so harsh, the Legends say he can be quite rude some times.. "well Natalie, it would seem we have come into some conflict, i tend to throw my ulimate. Making it harder for me to hit you 'squad'. So i think you pylon could very uhh.. likely be a road block for man. Good job on suprizing me with your intelligence Mrs. Paquette." I Could'nt help but contain my happiness, he likes my invertion! Papa would be so happy! I quickly jump on him and give him a big hug. Once again his body tenses, but he begins to calm himself down and give me a few pats on my back.

I pull off and he clears his thought. "Merci, Dr. Caustic for your honesty, but im gonna head to the lab now, i need to update my fences. Maybe they can slow people down ay?" I say nudging his shoulder as i skip my way over to the Lab, with my box in hand. As i made my way twards the lab i could'nt help but notice the large amount of empy rooms for later legends? Where they planing on having way more legends? it was a weird concept to dwell apon for sure, but it makes sense. Eventually i had made my way to the frount of the lab, opening the doors slowly a to not desturb anybody else who may be working.

I walked in seeing that nobody was here and let out a sigh of relief, i could work without any distractions! I made my way to my desk and placed down my box making a small thud sound that made me slightly jump. Once i had pulled everything out i placed down the box next to the trash can and looked under my desk for the tools i had also brought with me. I found them, pulled out all the necessary ones and got to work!


I looked over at my clock to see that it read 4:12, i had a few more minutes to spair on working before i should go over to Octavio's room. Of corse i don't wanna be late! But as i continued with my work over these past few minutes i could feel my eyes begin to slip. I slightly tapped my face helping for a second, but i dropped my head down on my desk. Maybe just a few minutes? a nap isn't all that bad..

Octanes pov:

It had been a couple hours sense i invited the new Wattson girl over to my place, she was just so nice i wanted to know more about her! I got home after talking with my amigos at the lunch table for a few more minutes. It was still just as anoying sitting there with them after i asked her over, they just kept on comenting on it. God damn there anoying! But i just shruged them off, and now im home, sitting on my couch, watching TV. I pulled my phone out of my pocket to check the time, i said 5:16. I let out a long sigh, what was taking her so long?! God how much i hated waiting, it's so boring! But of corse i kept my cool and waited a little longer for her. I tapped my toes on the floor but i just couldn't help myself, i jumped off my seat on the couch and knocked on my roomies door. I waited a moment then Ajay opened the door. "Silva i told you i was busy, what do you need?" she asked putting her hands on her hips. "Oh haha sorry bout' that chica, you talked to Wattson right? Did she tell yo-" Octane was then stopped by Lifeline stoping him from talking with her hand. she sighed and began to speak, "Your rambling again, listen i got her room number but i would be careful to not be anoying Silva." She said pulling her hand away from my mouth. I nod and wait for her to say it. "room 351".

"Thanks Hermana, be back soon!" I say running out of there strait down the stairs. I slid down the stairs quickly and started numbering off all the rooms until i had found the number Ajay said she lived. I knocked quickly to hear nothing. I knocked once again a bit harder getting a little nervious. Was she ok? Maybe i should have asked for her number before hand. But then i heard the door knob open the door up, i wen't to speak but then noticed that it wasn't Natalie who opened the door. It was Caustic? "Hey amigo, you live here?" I say looking up at the tall man, he had a coffee mug in hand with steam coming out of it. "indeed" he said. "Well, i was wondering if Natalie was here.?". He looked to be thinking for a moment but then sighed and nodded. I smiled slightly under my mask and asked if she was there. He shook his head no "Mrs. Paquette is invested in her work downstairs in the lab". He says stongly. I nod and say thank you, and Caustic closes the door. I run down the stairs once again and head into the lab. 

As i walk around the open hall i see a very colorful desk in a room. As i open the door i see a pretty open room with a few other counter looking things and empty boxes. I look over at the desk once again and notice a sleeping Wattson laying her head on her hands. I walk over quitly and look over at what's in her hand, its a clock. I take it away from her grasp and put it down next to her. I look back at her again and see how peaceful she looks. Her beautiful blond short hair, the interesting scar on her face, her soft lips.. I felt my heart begin to beat a little faster and my face heat up. I inched my body a bit closer to her face. But, wait, this is wrong.! She is sleeping stop thinking these things Octavio! I get up off my knees and head to my room to get a blanket.


I head back in to see that she is still asleep in her same pose. I come over to her and placed my blanket ontop of her and give her a little pat on the head as i head out back to my room.

1330 words this chapter, you guys proud of me? Yeah but for real the next chaper is WAYYYY longer but it's a lot better than this one for sure. 

Science in action ||wattson x octane|| (wattane)Where stories live. Discover now