[5] The game is on!

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Wattsons pov:

I wake up to not my usual bed but instead my desk! annnddd a worried looking Ajay. I lift my head up in confusion as i can bearly hear but i wait a second and now understand what she's saying. "-attson.. WATTSON GET UP! YOUR GONNA BE LATE FOR THE MATCH, YA HEAR?" She yells in my ear as i feel my heart beat faster, i can't be late to my first game! "Je suis désolé, je me suis endormi! Thanks Ajay.!" I say getting up from my desk on my wobbly feet. I quickly run to my room with Ajay following not to far behind. I run up the stairs and quickly take out my keys to my house and run inside to my room. I lock the door and begin to take off my comfy cloths and into my game cloths. I then rush out of there and into the bathroom to brush my teeth and hair. After that's done i head on out to see Ajay in sitting on the couch waiting for me. I cant help but feel happy about this fact but then brush it off, we need to get out of here!

As we run i see a large what kinda seems to be, airport..? I look over at ajay in confusion. She laughs and nods understanding what i mean and i smile. We walk in and i see all of the legends chilling and talking with eachother. Im quickly supprized by the apperance of renee behind me making me jump. She giggles and shows me around the ship. I find it kinda weird how homey the ship feels but then later we will be jumping into battle. Meh at least it's a nice view. A few minutes later i hear the anouncer say 'we will be ariving soon' i feel a rush of joy hit me, my first game coming soon! I just hope im teamed with somebody nice, like Octy or Pathfinder, that would be great.!


Me, Renee and Ajay have been talking for a few minutes i eventually we got pretty deep into each other's lives. Of corse i had to answer a few about my papa.. "What was he like?" Ajay askes sitting down next to me. I look down at my feet, "Papa was a very smart man, he wanted the best for me and he tried. He always smelt of pine and he even helped me with the making of the ring. I truly do miss him. I hope wherever he is, he is proud of me.." By the end of my sentece i felt small, happy tears from the sides of my face. I looked up hoping for gidence but there was non. i was so overtaken by my emotions i didn't even reilize names where being called for the game. I felt Renee pat my back and comfort me slightly. After a minute i brushed away my tears and stood up proud. Papa would have wanted me to be happy!!

I looked over at the big bright screen that projected the teams to see who i was with.

wraith, mirage, octane

Bloodhound, Gibraltar, lifeline

Pathfinder, Wattson, Bangalore


Poor Dr he is all alone, but with his inteligence and smart game play he is for sure to win! or at least get close. 'this is your apex campion' I looked up once again at a different screen to see that Octane was the champion, how amazing it mast feel great to be the best. Speaking of Octane i believe i should say good luck to my foe. I searched the room briskly until i saw Octavio standing, his back faced away from me looking at his phone. I began to walk over and then tapped him on the shoulder making a little zap. He flinches and turns around to see me standing there awkwardly. "Hey amigo, whats up?". He says looking down at me. "Well Octavio i just wanted to say, good luck! your gonna need it." I say switching from a nice smile to a bit of a serious one. "Welp see you in the ring, octy~" I could tell he was confused and so i just left it there walking away blowing him a kiss from my electical hands. Once i had made it out of view from Octane i felt my heart begin to pick up pace, i cant believe i did that! I don't know what came over me, but it felt powerful..! 

'Drop ship ready' the lady said from the speakers. I went over to the end of the drop ship looking for my team till i found them. I walked over and stood next to them. "Alright friends, lets do a good job!" Pathfinder said making me giggle. The other girl on the right of me, i suprizingly didn't know, she wasn't there at lunch that day. I turn to her to shake her hands and she shakes back with a tight grip. I smile "Bonjour, my names Natalie Paquette." "nice to meet you Nat, i'm Anita but here in the ring you call me Bangalore." She says sternly but still seemingly calm. I nod and turn to face the opening doors. "It's your first time jumping right, friend?" Pathfinder asks. "Oui!". "well let the girl be jump to get a good feel first" Bangalore adds. He says yes and hands the position to me. I feel my heart race a little faster at the sight of the ground being so far down. Bangalore comforts me by saying it's not as scary as you thing. I agree and point to bunker, at first they seem a bit skeptical but in the end agree.

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