[12] Best trio

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👉👈 But yeah no more. I'm just posting this because i forgot i had it in my drafts lo

Wattson's pov:

I woke to a slight pain in my neck that was pretty hard to ignore, i then lifted up my head to find out that i slep on my nessie again.. I should really move him from that spot, it's gonna kill me eventually.! I sigh and look at the time, 5:51, nine minutes before my alarm goes off just my luck. I get up from my spot on bed and stretch a little making my blood start pumping. I quickly then head to the bathroom and brush my teeth and hair, and also add a little chapstick on for a little side touch ;) Then i head back to my room and pull out my "uniform" from the closet dusting it off slightly. Then i put it on! I check myself out in the mirror and smile knowing i look good. I then hear a knock at my door so i quickly run over nd open it to see a fermilliar face above me.

"Are you ready to depart from are curent location Mrs. Paquette?" He asked. "Ready as i'll ever be, i hope we both get in a squad together!" I say giving him a smile as i walk out from my room. "likewise." He says in a sturn matter. We then grab the rest of are things and head to the drop ship together.


Once we make it there we are greeted by all the other legends as we walk onto the ship. I look around at spot ajay talking to octane so i decide that i wanna talk too! So i turn around and tell Dr. Caustic. "Dr, if you need me i will be over there." i say pointing at my friends. He nods and walks away as do i. I head over to them to be greeted by ajay. "Morning, glad ya didn't almost miss the ship this morning" She says jokingly making octy laugh. "It's all fun and games till i miss the dropship and you get paired in a squad with me!" I say making her giggle. "Alright chicas thats enough, where leaving soon which means there gonna announce whos with who" Octane says chiming in. I nod but ajay just rolls her eyes "We both know that, no need for information we already got, ya hear?" She says putting her hands on her hips.

I giggle at lifeline's joke and head over to the seating area with them. Octane then sits down next to me and ajay follows. "So tavi, where are we headed today?" I ask wanting to know the map a bit better. "Yeah where just going kings canyon, pretty basic place but theres a cool spot there i think you might be into" He says putting his hands behind his head. "Oui, perhaps". Then the anouncer began to speak.


Bloodhound, Pathfinder, Mirage

Wraith, Gibralter, Lifeline

Caustic, octane, Wattson


I gave octane a freindly side glance and then searched the room for caustic till i saw him. I gave him a friendly wave but he didn't wave back, guess he just doesn't like waves! Im just so glad i got paired up with my two most favorite people!! Ajay then gave me a pat on the back "Good luck out there, ya gon' need it!" "Thanks Aj- Lifeline.! You too" I reply as i watch her look for her team. Caustic then aproched me and octane "Hello Dr, seems you got lucky having me on your team." "..I must say it's nice to have a inteligent person in my squad" He says with a cough. "Don't lack behind us Octane, it would be a shame if you couldn't keep up". "Watch what you say to the fast guy amigo" Octy replyed with only a sigh from caustic.

"Come on le jeu is waiting!" I say walking tward the jumping spots as octane and caustic follow behind. Once where there they both agree on giving me jumpmaster making me really happy that they believe i can guide them. I mark bunker and they both agree we all jump and head twards are marked location as i yell "You can't beat the view from up here!".

Science in action ||wattson x octane|| (wattane)Where stories live. Discover now