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It's been a month.

A whole month since Phil told Jess he was gay.

A whole fucking month.

Does it really take a month for someone like Jess to get over someone she wasn't even technically dating?

Apparently so.


"Jess, I'm hungry!" I whined.

"Well get yourself some food." she snapped.

"Just because Phil's gay doesn't mean you have to get all pissy at me." I informed her, and I could almost hear her roll her eyes.

"But I loved him-"

"You didn't even date him."


"But nothing." I'd had enough. "Phil was just a guy who you met at a club, messaged a few times, sang in front of, then invited inside and kissed. You didn't date, you only saw him for a total of five hours, and to top it all off, he's moved on. You need to move on. I didn't agree to be your personal tissue. I agreed to be your flatmate. Yes, looked shock. I have balls. Not literally, but figuratively. I have fucking balls. You need to use your so-called balls and get over him! He's got a boyfriend, he's gotten over you. He has his own life to live. You have yours. So please, shut the fuck up about how you and Phil were meant to be, and how everyone should ship Phess, because Phil is not interested in you anymore. End of story. I'm going for a walk. Goodbye."

I stormed out of the flat, walking towards the nearby park.

Once I got there, I realised that all the benches were taken, so I just climbed up my childhood tree. It wasn't really mine, but I climbed it so often, I called it mine. Also, I had carved my initials into one of the highest branches when I was fifteen.

Right before I fell out and almost died.


"Becky, be careful!" my mom said to me.

"Mom, careful is my middle name." I joked.

Sadly, my mom couldn't take a joke.

"No, Janette is your middle name."

"Mom, I was joking!"

"Oh, okay."

"So, how far up am I?"

"About ten metres."

I lifted my hand off the branch to wave it in the air in success, but I lost my grip and slipped.

All I knew was that my mom was screaming, and then all went black as I hit the ground.

I opened my eyes to see my mom looking at me with tears rolling down her cheeks.

"Oh, Becky!" I wondered why she didn't hug me, but then I noticed all the wires coming out of me.

"Where am I?" I tried to ask, but it came out as "Wher ha ai?" because of my swollen lips.

"In the hospital. Dr. Dalton, she's awake!"

A man in a blood-stained lab coat ran in, and sighed when he saw I was awake.

"Oh, thank goodness. Now, Ms. Almante, Rebecca, I have good news and bad news."

"Good news first." my mom blurted out.

"Okay. Well, Rebecca, you only have a dislocated hip and a concussion, but you'll be fine. Sadly, we made another discovery."

"Sadly? I'm not anorexic or something, am I?"

Dr. Dalton said nothing.

"No." I whispered. "No, no, no, no, NO!" my voice gradually became a yell.

"We can medicate you-"

"I don't want your fucking medication! I want to be normal!"


"My name is BECKY! Sure, I was christened Rebecca, but I want to be called BECKY! Now unplug me from this shit so I can go."

"I'm afraid we can't do that, Rebecca. Goodbye."


I couldn't stop the tears, even if I wanted to.

They just came.

And I wanted my world to end.

Fish and Chips (a danisnotonfire fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now