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As I was working, my phone buzzed in my pocket.

I looked at the lock screen and saw:

Jess- omg phil hea...

I unlocked my pone with the numbers 1257, and saw the whole text.

Her: omg phil heard me singing halp

Trying to stifle a laugh, I texted her back.

Me: so wat u want me to do im working

She texted me back almost instantly.

Her: reassure me idiot

Me: well ur an ok singer i guess

Her: i cant sing to save myself

Me: true but im trying

Her: ur obviously not trying hard enuf

Me: soz

"Rebecca Almante! Get back to work!" Karl barked at me just as Jess texted me again.

Her: dude i thik hes knocking on the door HALP ME PLX

Me: soz gtg karls pissed

Her: fuck u

Me: luv u 2 bai

"Excuse me?" a male's voice came from the other side of the counter.

"May I help you?" I asked, looking up and finding a very attractive guy in about his mid twenties.

"Yeah, I'll just grab some maltesers thanks." he said politely.

"Big pack or small?" I asked.

"Big." he said, somewhat rushed, and I saw his cheeks go faintly red.

"Okay." I said, pulling one off the shelf and handing it to him. "That'll be one pound."

He gave me the money and I put it in the register.

"Thanks, have a nice day." I said, and he left.

"Rebecca." Karl said, not angrily for once. "You can go now. It's quarter past four."

"Thank you sir." I said, and went to head out when Karl stopped me.

"I just wanted to say that you're an amazing worker and I'm giving you a payrise." he said before walking away.

I rushed out the door, confused. A payrise? Man, Karl was being generous.


When I got home, I heard Jess talikg to someone, probably on the phone. But when I rounded the corner into the living room, I saw Phil there too.

And he was kissing Jess.

Fish and Chips (a danisnotonfire fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now