
46 5 3

I couldn't close my mouth.

What Becky had said... I just couldn't comprehend it.

She was right.

She was absolutely right.

I needed to get over Phil.

I needed to use my balls.

I shouldn't be wallowing in my sadness, drowning in my tears, or acting like my world is ending.

Because it isn't.

And it shouldn't.

I won't let it end until I've found someone to love, someone who will love me back.

I also won't let it end until I've had my next meal. I'm starving.

Picking up my phone, I dial the number for the nearest pizza shop.

"Alfie from Pizza-Porium, how can I help you?" (ok if this place exists i don't mean for it to and does anyone else get the Alfie reference? u probs do :P)

"Hi Alfie, I'd just like a Mediterranean pizza thanks." I mumble into the phone.

"Delivered or pick-up?"

"Delivered thanks."


I give him my address, and he tells me the order will be at my door in ten minutes.

As soon as I put my phone down, it rings again.

Unknown caller ID.


"Is this Jessica?" an unknown voice comes through.

"Yes?" I don't know what's going on.

"I called someone in this girl's contacts called Zoe, but she said to call you.

"Zoe? As in Zoe Sugg?"

"I think so. Anyway, I'm in the ambulance-"


"Yes, with someone who had you in their contacts. She has short brown hair, chocolate brown eyes, she's wearing black jeans and a white shirt-"

"BECKY!" I scream. Becky, what have you done now?

"Well, I found her at the base of a tree. Her shoulder is bent at an odd angle."

"Oh, fuck." I am terrified. "Fuck fuck fuckity fuck fuck."

"We're at the hospital now. you should come-"

"I'm coming." I hang up, rushing out the door.

As I step outside, a well-built man is walking up to the door with a pizza box in his hands.

"Is this your pizza?" I recognise his voice as Alfie's.

"Yes, it is." I hand over the £2.50 and grab the box, running over to my crappy car.

Please let Becky be okay.


Five hours later, I am sitting beside Becky in the hospital.

She is comatose.

Apparently she fell out of a tree and gave herself a concussion, which worsened and became a coma. She also has a dislocated shoulder and a few broken ribs.

I look at the clock for the five-hundred and thirty-sixth time. Yes, that is a counted number. I have been counting. My life is at an all time low.

Anyway, the time is twenty-one past eleven.

In other words, late past late.

I'm tired.

But I can't sleep.

Why should I sleep when my best friend is in a coma beside me?

She could wake up at any minute, and I'd be asleep.

The doctor walks in and tells me to get some sleep. He also said he'd wake me up if she woke up.

----------3 MONTHS LATER----------

Becky is still in a coma.

I'm losing my mind.

I literally sold our old apartment and moved into one next door to the hospital so I could be closer to her.

I have developed an addiction. Not to meth or anything, but coffee. Starbucks' Americano, to be precise.

Life. Sucks.

----------ANOTHER MONTH LATER----------

She moans, then stirs. Her eyes flutter, then open.

Becky's awake.

"Becky!" I cry, and fling my arms around her neck, carefully minding all the tubes coming out of her, and her shoulder and ribs.


"Who else, dork?"

"Um... maybe my mother?"

"No, she's in Edinburgh for your parent's anniversary. Which is today, coincidentally."

"Oh." she thinks for a moment before asking, "Wait, did I miss your birthday?"

"Shit, Becky, you just woke up from a four month coma, and you're worrying about my birthday." I laugh. "Hell, even I missed my birthday."

"You missed your own birthday? Jess, that's terrible. Did no-one say anything to you?"

"Nope." I pop the 'p'. "Phil's long gone, my parents live in NZ, and you were in a coma."

"Well, fuck me." she closes her eyes, and the doctor walks in and asks if she's awake.

"No, I'm in a coma still, now give me my daily shot of meds and let me continue with my comatose life." she says, enunciating every syllable. I laugh and the doctor rolls his eyes.

Maybe everything will turn out okay.




u kno wat? im gonna start sumthin

band of the chapter: maroon 5

so i went to their concert (insert fangirl scream here) and im slightly addicted, i mean im listening to animals rn





aaaaanywayyyy i just wanna clear sumthin up: this is only from dan's human interaction vid. nuthin else. k? k.

also pls check out my utub channel Spudjoolica im trying to upload more often but i hav exams in 2 and a bit weeks soooo.... yeah

k thats it from me hope u enjoy this juicy chapter of what ive decided will be a short story

ANOTHER SIDE NOTE im planning on releasing a new story soon just all at once, its called Cry me a River and it's about a girl called Melody who can't cry :O find out why in this story, which i hope to release early to mid next year!


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