5. [Not one of your hoes]

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A/N: This chapter does have some sexual activity so if you do feel uncomfortable, please feel free to leave or just skip this chapter :) <3


Adrian's POV:

"Stay out of my sex life" I yelled. She tried to hide her laugh but I knew damn well she wanted to let it out. "Damn okay, what happened to our deal?" She says, rolling her eyes. I place my hand on her face, then I realised my whole hand was bigger then her head. I gently push her back.

"Our deal had nothing to do with sex lives Princess" I say letting go of her face and starting up the car.
After a minute of silence which I enjoyed oh so very much.
"Why would you fuck her? If it didn't mean anything" she asks out of the blue. I sigh. "What did I say about our sex li-" she cuts me off. "Yeah yeah I know, but why?" I stop at the red light then look at her.

Now I wish those tunes with the receptionist was with her, but god princess never shuts up. Her eyes made me feel some type of way. "Helloooo? The lights green. And answer the question" she says waving her hand in my face.

I slap her hand away and in return she glares at me. I continue driving. "Sooooo?" She says. I sigh. "Why not? A good time wouldn't hurt nobody"


"Ughhh, all this shopping is making me tired can we stop for a drink" Isla begged, she was basically on her knees begging. Jesus I'm so dirty minded. I shook the thought off. "One second we need you some lingerie, and a couple of shoes then we're good to go" Evie says smiling.

"What for I'm not going to be pleasuring men while I'm here. Am I? Plus you guys said the tops would be 2 weeks till Daniel would be back" she groaned.

The sound of his name make my blood boil even though I didn't know him. Plus I didn't like Isla so it shouldn't bother me, forget Daniel Hess probably dead in some ditch.

Evie takes us on the last stop at some Victoria secret place. "Last stop then we'll watch movies the whole day and be lazy?" Isla asked clapping excitedly. Evie giggles and nods. We walk in, but before I could take another step Evie steps in front of me.
"Are you sure you wanna be here?" She asks raising her eyebrows. I nod unharmed. "Why not?" I say pushing her away and walking in. Clearly I was wrong. Jesus. My whole life I have thought my eyes had seen everything. Apparently not.

Evie laughs, along side Isla. They go deeper into the store, while I stayed awkwardly at the front. A male worker approaches me. "God please let him be straight" I mumble under my breath.

Now don't get me wrong I have nothing against the gays. In fact I think I love them, but in this specific situation I don't want to be hit on in a lingerie store.
Cause well obviously I'm hot-

"Hey you look lost. Can I get you something?" He asks. I shake my head. "No thank you my girlfriend is actually in there I'm just waiting" I say. He laughs nervously. "No problem, just shou-" I Stop him before he could finish and accidentally blurt out.
"We done sex"

Isla comes up from behind, and tries to contain her laughter. "Speaking of girlfriend" I say nervously. She looks at me shocked, and I look at her with begging eyes. "Hello boyfriend" she says smiling. If she laughs I'm never gonna forgive her.

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