Chapter 1

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About a month after that, I had almost everything figured out. I died and got reborn as Sans, not just any Sans though, I got reborn as flipping Underswap Sans- Blue if that helps. To say the least I reacted very poorly to that discovery, I can acknowledge that, but seriously Underswap Sans? Now don't get me wrong I don't mind Swap!Sans-more bothered by what the community did to him-it's just...really? Of all people to be reborn as it just had to be him?

Why couldn't it have been someone who wasn't viewed as a uwu innocent bean?



Carrying on.

It turned out that all that pain I had felt prior to waking up was from my body and magic trying to accommodate all the memories and knowledge by forcing rapid development into my soul, which in turn fucked with my eye since there was magic in it, as well as cause a severe fever for a few weeks from what Papyrus told me.

I couldn't help but feel bad as that meant the poor kid had to take care of himself and me as well.

Despite not being my fault I couldn't help but feel pathetic.

It was both a relief and a curse when I got the memories from the original Swap!Sans as while I got a terrible migraine for a week, it helped with getting around Snowdin and working at Muffets'. Yeah, apparently the Sans before me was working at Muffets' to earn money-it's not really the earning money that surprised me it was more working at Muffets' that surprised me as I kind of assumed Sans would have worked for something that was more related to Royal Guard work. However this does work for me as I don't plan on trying to become a Royal Guard, I'll still take sentry duty for money's sake but I won't be mad obsessed with becoming a Royal Guard as the Sans before me was sure to be.

And I must say, living with Papyrus is fun I guess, probably would be more hectic if this was Undertale and not Underswap. Papyrus, as any normal swap is, is lazy when he wants to be, but he does help as he goes to Muffets' with me almost everyday to help around to try to make more money for us. Papyrus only really lounges around when there isn't something to be done that includes the help of two people(though sometimes the little shit just lays there while I'm struggling to move something)and on the days he doesn't come with me to Muffets, he cooks dinner and helps with the dishes afterwards, Papyrus even makes sure my room is tidy as he knows how I don't like untidiness if I can help it.(He knows from me nagging him about his unkempt room, I usually sneak in to clean it when he isn't home on the off chance)I'm not sure if the original Swap!Papyrus was like this but I'm glad this one is.

He's a sweet kid really.

A good brother you could say.





Lemme tell you about magic.

I began to practice magic in my freetime, I didn't want to go down easily when Chara inevitably fell down-or when I get exposed to the multiverse because I had a feeling that I'm going to get dragged into that mess whether I wanted to or not, so why not be prepared. Of course, I can't only practice my magic so I have taken to working out during that time as well, to bring up my stamina and strength-more of my stamina as I don't wish to tire easily and the strength because I just find being able to fight someone without magic to be more joyous to me, plus the the idea of being able to pick up whatever I want never ceases to amaze me.

I, of course, drag Papyrus into this physical activity, not really to have him work out(I knew he wouldn't try) but more or less use him as a weight for when I'm doing squats or pushups. He also makes good company to talk to during these times, even if he usually says an excessive amount of puns.

Now don't get me wrong I don't mind puns-find them funny actually-it's just gets tiring to hear the same ones over and over again, I mean seriously how hard is it to come up with a new one!?

I truly have the most uncreative brother.

Of course I came up with a solution to this issue, Papyrus despises it but it works so that's the thing that matters really. Everytime Papyrus says a pun that he has already said in the span of two days, then he must put money in the 'Pun Jar'. There are three G already in there and it's only Monday.

He called me evil.

I call it making sure he doesn't grow up to be an uncreative bastard.

It took a lot of nice cream and honey to get him to talk to me again, but it was totally worth it though as the pun jar continues to stand.

Everything has been going smoothly, we have been making enough money to sustain ourselves, I have been getting faster and stronger as this younger body can allow, Papyrus was making better different puns, everything was going great.

Wonder when this was all going straight to hell.

Have a weird feeling that it won't be long.

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