Chapter 2

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Chapter 2


She was in water…

Where ever she looked that’s all Erika could see, well no, not everything.

There was fish and other underwater creatures swimming freely without a care in the world. She glided through the water, her arms outstretched, trying to reach one of the many fish that avoided her grasp.

Where am I? She thought while trying to touch another fish, not to harm it, but just to say hello. This is the ocean but… I don’t know where this is… in her dreams that involved her swimming Erika always knew where she was, which ocean it was before diving in. This time it was different, the water was dark, a dark blue, but she could see everything clearly as if it was a bright sunny day, and in her other dreams the fish would never avoid her. But in this dream they seemed to be terrified of her.

She couldn’t figure out why, until she saw her hands.

With a frown she looked her hand, her skin looked so very pale, almost a deathly shade of white, she saw her nails, they looked very sharp. She opened and closed her hand repeatedly turning her hand away from herself she opened her hand one last time, only her nails shot up like deadly knives five inches long.

Erika gasped, her eyes burst open, her hands clutching her bed sheets as she stared up at the ceiling, a cold damp sweat coated her whole body as she breathed heavily. Slowly Erika forced herself to relax; she glanced to the alarm clock on her bedside table. There was still ten minutes before she had to get up. Letting out a breath she closed her eyes and place a hand over her still racing heart.

She lifted her shaking hands above her face and looked at them, her skin was a pale color but not like in that dream and her nails were normal. Letting them fall back to her sides she sighed deeply.

That dream, it was so strange, what was wrong with her? Dreams like that don’t just come out of nowhere, there had to be a reason for it, but she could figure out where.

“What a strange dream…” she whispered before getting up and out of bed before getting dressed for her last day of school. She dressed in a white lavender tank top with lace on the top rim, light blue faded jean shorts, and white socks.

She quickly brushed her hair and pulled it back into a pony tail before heading down stairs to greet her grandparents. “Morning.” She said, slightly startling her grandmother who was by the stove working on fried eggs.

“Morning Erika, you’re up early…” she paused when she saw Erika’s expression. “Are you alright you look really pale?”

“I’m fine.” She said sitting down on the barstool. “I just had a strange dream… nothing special.”

“What was so strange about it?” she asked turning back to the stove.

“I’m not really sure… I was underwater, but it was a place I’m not familiar with, but everything around me seemed afraid of me… and there was something odd about my hands…” she shook her head slowly. “…I can’t remember now.”

“Well you never know, some people say that dreams are things that give humans a glimpse into the future… so maybe you saw something of you in the future.”

Erika scoffed as she rested her elbows on the counter top. “Yeah, me being in water, as if that’s anything new for me. I’m a water baby, as grandpa always says; being in water is second nature to me.”

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