Chapter 45

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Timothy's mother broke down sobbing after Erika explained to her what happened to her, her husband and evidently her son. Erika found that it would probably be best not to hide anything what Tim had done, all the while his own mother was never aware of what he was planning to do. While the woman cried Erika offered her the photo that was still in her pocket.

"Here, I hope you don't mind, I kind of took it from your house without asking first."

The woman reached for it, with shaky hands, but then clasped on to Erika's. "I'm so sorry Erika, for what my son has done to you, the pain he caused you, I wish I was a better mother then I could have noticed something was wrong with him."

"It's not your fault Mrs. Smithson, no one could have predicted what your son was planning, I only wished I had stopped him sooner then he might be here with you."

She shook her head slowly. "No, ever since that drowning incident, he has... had been acting differently. That should have been my greatest indicator that something was wrong. But would you mind if I could be left alone for a bit? I just need some time to myself."

Erika nodded. "Sure, we'll be in the hallway if you need us. But just to remind you, we have to be in the downtown area before three alright?"

The woman merely nodded in response, Erika, Alison and Sherrie then left the woman alone.

"You really think it's a wise idea to leave her alone?" Alison asked.

"Probably not, but she did just lose her son and husband in one day, she probably just wants to grieve for a while."

"Either that or she'll try to kill herself..." Alison trialed off realizing what she had just said before looking to Erika. "Ah, sorry I didn't mean it like that Erika really."

"It's fine Alison, and even if Tim's mom did try it'd do her little good. She can't die no matter what she does, she's just like Shigeru now... but then so am I, who knows how long my lifespan is, it could be just as long as his, or even more."

"You mean Shigeru's?" Alison asked.

No, I meant Adrian's... she thought to herself, after sleeping for what was the rest of the night, Erika had decided to not tell her friends about Adrian's true identity, for if she did he may go and kill them. She didn't want to have any more blood on her hands, much less her friends.

"Alison you should probably go home."

She looked at Erika with complete shock that those words even came out of her mouth. "Wha...? Why, why do I need to go home?"

"You're parents; they might be worried about you. You should at least go and talk to them, let them know what's happened."

Alison was about to protest but shut it when she saw that Erika wasn't going to move on this. "Alright." She let out a depressed sigh. "I'll head home, I won't like it but I'll do it. but I'm not going to tell them what has happened with you, knowing my parents they'd ether lock me up in an asylum or sell you out to the media."

"You're parents try that Alison, ether one of those things, and I'll crush them instantly." Sherrie said, and by the tone of her voice she wasn't joking about it ether.

"I know, but you guys promise you'll contact me when you get back right? That Alistair guy is a bit shady if you ask me."

"Yeah, we will, but I doubt he'll do anything."

Sherrie folded her arms across her chest. "It's that little girl I'm more concerned about; did you see that scythe that she had? It was bigger than her, and looked extremely heavy, want to bet she's not human ether?"

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