Chapter 36

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Erika sat at her desk in her bedroom, her right index finger tapping against the wood as she stared out from her window. It had been three days since she had returned home, she would have been happy, but something was nagging at her telling her that it wasn't over, not by a long shot. That and she also learned from her grandparents that they had known what she would eventually become over the course of Erika's remainder years until she turned eighteen, and considering how close Allen and Gregory were as friends probably meant that he knew everything too, not so much his wife. Last time Erika saw Dana she seemed rather evasive and refused to even make eye contact with her.

Probably because she knew that Erika knew that she had stolen her mother's necklace. Guess you couldn't blame her for it but still, stealing it just because Yara had it, it sounded so superficial and vain, there might have been another reason behind it but Erika just couldn't see it.

"So you really did know this whole time and you didn't tell me?!"

"We understand if you're angry with us Erika, really, but you must know that we couldn't speak about it. At least until you confronted us about it."

"I..." she fell back on to the couch with her face in her hands. "I don't know what to be anymore. When all of this first started I felt like I was going crazy. I still feel like I'm going crazy. The fact that I'm..." she bit her bottom lip. "That I'm a mermaid is just... it's just insane but I can't really deny any of it now."

Both of her grandparents were quite, after a long moment Erika let out a deep breath and raised her head to look at them. "I suppose I shouldn't really be surprised by this, you both acted rather calm when it first happened. But I do have to ask. What will you do when I fully change into my other form? Where will you both go?"

"Erika." Her grandfather stood and walked over to her before kneeling down and grasping both of her hands with his. "You are our only granddaughter, and we intend to remain where we are so that no matter what, you will always have a home to come back to. Even when we are gone, this place will always be your home. Yours and ours, and know that there's nothing that we wouldn't do to keep you safe from those that might want to harm you."

Erika leaned back in her chair and tilted her head towards the ceiling before closing her eyes. "Nothing you wouldn't do huh...? I know that supposed to make me happy but..." tears began to fall from her eyes as she covered her face with her arms. "...Why does that make me so sad instead?"

She knew that sitting in her room wouldn't do any good, she needed some air and to stretch her legs. Her grandparents weren't asleep yet but they were both in their room, so she had to be really quite while heading down the stairs.

Which would be hard since the house was pretty old, but then she had another thought, putting on her shoes she opened the window and made her way on the roof before closing the window on the outside. She wanted to test her mermaid abilities; she looked to the pond, the same pond that her mother gave birth to her.

She was slowly excepting the other part of her, not to the point of merging, but at least learning to deal with it.

Looking at the water from the pond she closed her eyes and lifted her left hand, using her mental strength to see if she could move it. Before when she had stopped those men that would have tried to attack her back in Kyoto.

Moving her hand she opened her eyes, they changed to that blood red color glowing slightly and the water began to move it was under her control. She leapt off the roof and using the water in her control she landed on the ground without even hurting herself for the water caught her in mid-air before gently bringing her down to the ground before the water returned to the pond.

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