wait what?

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Yoona's pov:

Valerie: uh... Ms. Yoona?

Yoona: yes?

Valerie: I... Ummm have something to tell u...

Yoona: what did u do now?

Valerie: I umm booked u tickets to Seoul.

Yoona: oh... No problem....

Valerie: wait... Really?

Yoona: yea... Give it to someone else.

Valerie: wait what... No... Ma'am u have to go!

Yoona: I am not gonna go Valerie.

Valerie: but miss... Bts is in Seoul right now.

Yoona: so what that's not my problem.

Valerie: but ma'am.... They have a shoot with our brand...

Yoona: oh... Yea.... Send some other employee.... Ask brandon (chief executive) to go.

Valerie: but ma'am u have a conference to attend saying that u and bts have signed the contract and u guys r colleagues....

Yoona: well... I didn't really sign... They signed it on their own.

Valerie: there is ur stamp too ma'am.

Yoona: well then... U put the stamp.... So u should go!

Valerie: please ma'am!

Yoona: ugh... Why do I always have to fix ur mistakes? Why don't I fire u?

Valerie: ma'am please I am so sorry.... Don't fire me!

Yoona: yahh I was just joking.... I would never fire u.... I might seem like a big old ugly grump but I love all my employees.

Valerie: no ma'am u r not a big old grump.... Both of my brothers have a huge crush on u and they daydream about making out with u.... Oops did I say it out loud?

Yoona: umm yes u did....

Valerie: I am so sorry so sorry so sorry!

Yoona: I don't know what I'll do with u.... Anyways.... When is the flight?

Valerie: umm tomorrow midnight.

Yoona: ok but what seats did u book?

Valerie: I didn't book any seats u r going by ur private plane.

Yoona: do me a favour.... Change it to economy.

Valerie: but ma'am people might recognize u.... And I thought u hated cameras....

Yoona: that's true... Ok fine... Whatever...

After she went I rested my head on the table.... I have to go to the place I never wanted to!
Ughhh.. I just hope I don't get time alone with those people!

-time skip-
I am getting ready for the airport... But the hardest part is what to WEAR! I start fashion trends here in LA but if I wear something comfortable that I want to... Well I face criticism....its not that I hate fashion... But I don't LOVE LOVE  it.... U get what I mean don't u... Back in the days... I was a rebel who didn't know anything about fashion... U guys must remember the first day of school... Right? When Jin said.... "Today is the first day of school... U shld at least put SOME effort into looking nice". But as u can see now... I don't put SOME effort I put A LOT  of efforts.... Anyways... Here is my outfit..

My driver drove me to the airport and there were a lot of reporters... But there were more SECURITIES! So that's a good thing... The only thing I am excited about in Korea is that I am not famous there.... Yet.... U see I never even tried promoting my brand over there.... But as u can see... Me partnering up with bts... Will make me popular in Seoul too.

Ok so I'll meet u in Seoul.

-time skip-

*in Seoul hotel* (midnight)
*now everyone is speaking in Korean*

Receptionist: hello ma'am....

Yoona: hello... My name is Yoona... Is there a booking in my name!?

Receptionist: wait I'll check..... No ma'am there is no reservation with the name yoona?

Yoona: oh umm... Is there a reservation by the name Valerie?

Receptionist:...... No ma'am....

Wait what? Valerie didn't book a hotel room?

I decided to call her.

Valerie: hello ma'am.... Hope u reached Seoul safely.

Yoona: yes yes I did... But why didn't u book a hotel room for me?

Valerie: but ma'am don't u have a bunglow in Seoul... I thought u were going to live there....

Yoona: huh.... No!

Valerie: sorry ma'am... The line is breaking... Bye!

Saying that she hung up the call... I just let out a deep sigh... I didn't want to go back there... That place has alot of memories... Yes it's probably empty now.... But... I just don't want to...

-to be continued-
Is this story becoming too long? I am going to try and shorten the story and make Yoongi and Yoona a couple as soon as possible... Pls bear with me.

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