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Yoona's pov:

*1 week after the party*

Ok so I have a really big test today! I put on an outfit and ran to school since I didn't wanna be late!

Ok so I have a really big test today! I put on an outfit and ran to school since I didn't wanna be late!

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I was revising when the teacher came in and called my name...

Ms. Park: umm Yoona come here with your bag..

Yoona: umm why?

Ms. Park: there has been an accusation of u smoking....
I heard everyone gasp by the teachers comment...
Yoona: what the hell... No!
Ms. Park: ok then let me check ur bag...

I went to her and handed my bag to her... I don't smoke so there is no harm in letting her check right?

But as soon as she opened my bag.... 4 -5 packets of cigarettes🚬.... What? I never remember putting that in my bag...

Ms. Park: what is this yoona?

Yoona: Ms. Park... I can assure u that's not mine...

Ms. Park: then how will u explain this?

Jungkook: I know her very well... She might be bad in a lot of things but she never smokes...

Yuta: yea u can't blame her without any proof!

Ms. Park: but the boxes of cigarettes r proof.... Yoona I am afraid I have to take u to the principals office...

Yoona: what but why!

Ms. Park: come on yoona!

She started walking towards the principal office... I started following her...

Principal: yoona... R u ok?

Yoona: w-what.. Yes...

Principal: look I know it's been hard for u after your father and all... But smoking is not a good excuse...

Yoona: but sir believe me.... It's not mine!

Principal: yet it was found in your bag?

Yoona: .....

Principal: look normally students who smoke get expelled... But since I know how u feel and what u r going thru with ur mom not being here in Seoul... I am not expelling u... But u r suspended for 3 days starting now!

Yoona: b-but...there is a test today! I can't miss it!

Principal: sorry yoona...

I left the office with my head hung low... But I has so many questions running thru my mind... Like

Who told Ms. Park?
Whose cigarettes were those?
Who managed to sneak those in my bags and how!?

I felt warm tears streaming down my eyes.. All I could say was that it was not a pleasant feeling...

Yoongi's pov:

The teacher accused yoona of smoking.... Jungkook and Yuta tried to help her but it was no use... She might have a bad girl aura but she is not the type to smoke... I am sure of that.... I wanted to stick up for her but then my consciousness stopped me....

The test started and yoona didn't come... I aced the test as always ...

After the test the word spread that yoona had been suspended....

Deiji on the other hand didn't care about what was going on.... She was just excited about me and her officially getting together ... Then the realization hit me... She told she wanted to bully yoona.... But... I don't think she will go that far... But still I decided to ask her!

Suga: umm deiji?

Deiji: hii opppaaaaa!

Suga: did u by any chance put the cigarettes in yoona's bag!

Deiji: o-oppa why d-do u care?

Suga: u did... Didn't u?

Deiji: whatttt no way! How can u blame me!!!

Suga: oh umm.... Sorry... Hope u forgive me...

Deiji's pov:
Of course I did not put it in... My minions put them... In my order.. .. But there is a difference between doing and ordering... What does he like about that bitch?

Yoona's pov:

*phone rings*

Yoona: what do u want? Jin oppa?

Jin: what do u mean by what do u want? How dare u smoke in school! And they called me instead of mom... Now the ppl in my university think I am a dad!

Yoona: oppa do u think I smoke!

Jin: then why was there a cigarette pack in ur bag?

Yoona: that's the problem! I don't know whose it is oppa! And on top of that I am suspended for three days! U r not gonna tell mom... Will u?

Jin: ur principal told me to tell mom... But don't worry my lips r sealed!

I hung up the call and started getting frustrated! When again LISA called!

Lisa: yaaa yoona? U got suspended? U smoke... AISHH we knew u were a bad girl but this is another level!

Yoona: *tells everything* 

Lisa: oh I wonder who hates u.... I don't think u r that popular to have haters....

Yoona: shut up!!!

Lisa: there is so much going on today... First u get suspended and now deiji is claiming that Suga is her official boyfriend !

Yoona: oh umm.... My battery is about to die... I'll call u later!

I felt like a whole big Rock was dropped in my heart... It was paining... My heart was paining... I couldn't help but start crying!

-to be continued-

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