can we stop her in time?

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Yoona's pov:
I am all ready to go.... I am gonna miss this place... I didn't even say goodbye to my friends...well they didn't reply to my texts or didn't even call no use of saying goodbye.... Anyways my suitcases r ready..... Jin and Taehyung wanted to come with me to the airport but I refused... I don't want to cry over there....

Yoongi's pov:

I went to Yoona's house and rang her doorbell.... The door was opened by Yuta... Ughhh not him....

Yuta: YOU? What r u doing here?

Yoongi: where is Yoona?

Yuta: she is not here....

Yoogi: where is she?

Yuta: umm....

Why was he hesitating?.... I saw Jin, v, jisoo and another girl coming towards the door.... But where is Yoona?

Jin: what's happening?

Yoongi: I want to meet Yoona!

V: umm u might wanna come in and take a seat....

They invited me inside and I took a seat on the couch.....

After that what they told me... Sent me to an utter shock.... Yoona is travelling to Japan forever....

No no no..... It can't end like this....

She didn't do anything wrong yet she was being punished.... All because of that bitch! Ughhh!

I told them about what Deiji did and an expression of guilt took over their face.

Yuta: oh no... This..... Is bad...

Taehyung: ughhh I should've believed her!

Jisoo: what do we do now?

Jin: we go get her! There's still time until the take off.

?? : I guess Yoongi should go!

Suga: what why?

?? : the only way she'll stop..... Is only if she is stopped by the love of her life!

Jisoo: yah Sana unnie! This is not the time for kdrama jokes!

Sana: no I am serious! Yoongi should go!

Yoongi: yah sure... I'll go!

Taehyung: I'll come with!

Yoongi: ok...

Yuta: me too!

Yoongi: umm....

Yuta: aishhh fine here is the truth... I have nothing going on with her I am just her cousin! Even Sana here... So there is no need to get jealous bro!

What he said shocked me... But my mind was too clouded by the thought that yoona might leave forever... So I just nodded and we ran to our car!

Luckily the airport was just 15 minutes away.....

After we reached three of us split up and started searching for her....

Yoona's pov:

I was waiting for my plane.... I hate waiting! So I decided to go to a duty free shop... Maybe a gift will calm moms anger when I meet her... *nervous laughs*.

I was looking through the gifts when I felt someone pull me by my waist and in a matter of seconds someone's lips were on mine.... I got terrified... I thought it was some random pervert but I realized it was Y-yoongi? Oh no- for a moment I kissed him back until I came to my senses......and pulled back!

Yoona: yaaaahhhh what was that!!!!!!!

Yoongi: your punishment for pushing me yesterday.

Yoona: huh?

Yoongi: now let's go..... I have a lot of punishments left for u!

Yoona: I-I'm sorry but I-I can't.

Yoongi: what do u mean u can't... U r coming with me...

Oh no... My eyes were getting teary again!

Yoongi took my suitcase and started pulling it... But I held onto it..

Yoongi: yoona....lets not do this the hard way?

Yoona: Yoongi I have to go.....

Yoongi: u r not gonna go!

Yoona: j-just go to your fucking girlfriend and leave me alone! I wish I never would've met u! If I hadn't... That... That Deiji would've never come to ruin my life! Who am I kidding of course u don't believe me!

I finally let go of my tears.... Yoongi's face had a weird expression.... His hand loosened the grip on my bag and I heard an announcement about my flight that it was ready to board....

Yoona: bye... Yoongi...

Yoongi: I know what Deiji did... Everyone believes u now! Just... Just don't go!

Yoona: everyone believes me now? Why didn't everyone believe me when I said a hundred thousand times... That it wasn't me? They believe me now... Because Deiji admitted it... Or u probably got to know.... No one was there for me when I needed them....

Yoongi was speechless..... I am still a crying mess....

Yoona: that's what I thought.... K I am gonna be late now... B-bye.... And tell my my siblings and friends that I love them....

Yoongi: what about me? Do u love me?

I didn't reply to him... I was getting late......

A/n pov:

After that yoona went to Japan for good..... They were too late....

Yoona didn't get punished by her mom... But instead her mother comforted her....

And in Seoul.... Everyone got to know about Deiji..... Jungkook, Lisa and jennie regretted their decision.....

                           THE END!



-to be continued-

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