Chapter Nineteen

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So, um... There's a bit of spice in this chapter. Never posted any before, so, yeah. There's that. I'm gonna go die of embarrassment now. Love you -Rae

Out of all of the games to play for a little team bonding once the shop wasn't as busy, Jamie suggested Scrabble. Scrabble.

To Devin and Hazel, it was a good idea. To Daija -- who knew Jamie's abilities -- it was an asshole move.

The game ended with her head spinning, Hazel using her phone to look up tons of words that the three of them didn't even know existed, and Devin on the verge of tears.

Jamie leaned back in his chair with a smug and satisfied smile. "Well, looks like I won."

"I don't even know why I played this game," Devin sighed out, "I practically failed high school because of english class."

"That wasn't fair at all!" Hazel whined, putting her phone down and looking dead at him. "You're super smart, so of course you're going to know that many crazy words!" The look on her face became determined. "Pick another game so I can beat you in it."

He raised a brow at her, and his smile grew. He was clearly amused. "Oh? Competitive, are we?"

"Let's play Monopoly next," She said as she crossed her arms. "I've never lost that one."

"You will."

"We'll see."

Daija furrowed her brows. "Do Dev and I get a say in this?"

"Nope," They both replied, not taking their eyes off of each other.

The door opened, and everyone turned to see Violet walking in with a bright smile on her face. "Hey, everyone!"

"Hey, Vi!" Dev grinned as he stood up from the table. "Want some hot chocolate?"

"That'll be amazing. Thank you."

Daija smiled as she sat beside her, pointing towards Jamie. "Vi, this is Jamie. Family friend on my Dad's side. Jamie, this is Violet. My best friend for more than half of my life."

Jamie smiled at her. "Nice to meet you."

"You as well." She smiled in return.

As they talked, Daija took a glance at the clock. It was a little after seven. If she left now, she would have time to get ready back at the apartment, travel, and then get to Base E by nine.

She stood up and put her jacket on. "I would stay for Monopoly, but I have to get going. Vi, you wanna play with them?"

"Oh, of course," She grinned. "I always lose, but it'll be fun. Text me if you need anything."

Hazel turned to her and smiled. "See you tomorrow, Daija!"

After she said her goodbyes, she left the coffee shop and started to walk to her car.

Time to commit a crime.


"What the hell kind of superhero suit comes in two pieces?" She said out loud as she got dressed in the spandex nightmare, "Gosh, this is ridiculous."

She put the leggings on first, then the shirt second. It came with matching boots, but there was no way in hell she was going to wear them outside. She'll change into them in the car. The clothes fit her form perfectly, and she was surprised to find that the material was breathable, and she could move around a lot in it. Perfect for fighting. However, if she could change the color, she would. The red was a bit too bright for the gray.

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