Chapter Fifty-Five

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Abuse and $uicide is mentioned in this chapter. It's balanced with fluff though. Our poor main character. But omg, I'm so ready for you guys to see her grow some more.

Also, just pointing out that your mental health is so important and that all of you are so, SO loved, and you're never alone. You are enough. Always be gentle with yourself. Stay hydrated. Love you. -Rae

Daija slept peacefully for a few hours, and when she woke up, it was a little after ten in the morning. She looked to the side to see that Simon wasn't beside her. From the bathroom, she heard the shower water running, so she assumed that he was in there. He didn't have to let her stay in his room, but he did. The thought warmed her heart as she sat up and stretched.

She immediately winced when she felt how sore she was from training yesterday.

Getting out of bed, she went back to her own room so she could shower, brush her teeth and get dressed. Still very drained from yesterday and a bit sleepy, she decided that today would be a lazy day.

As she showered, she tried to shake herself from her dull mood and think about things that made her feel content. She focused on how nice the shower gels and scrubs smelled, and how pretty the bathroom was. The hot water helped to sooth her aching muscles as well.

When she was done, she put on some sweatpants, a simple t-shirt, and she pinned her hair up and used a headband to keep any loose strands out of her face. She stepped out of the bathroom and back into the bedroom, and she decided that maybe some organizing would help her feel better.

Her journal was still on the bed. She grabbed it and flipped it open, looking at all of her recent writings. There was more scribbling than anything, and it was starting to disturb her. Her dark thoughts were covered with darker pen blotches then replaced with words and feelings that weren't hers.

It looked exactly how she felt. Awful.

Irritation surged in her veins, and she grabbed the journal, shoved it into the bottom drawer where the heroes' suit was and slammed it shut. Her hands shook slightly, and she walked over to her bed so she could fix it up.

This was all so frustrating. She was drained, angry, and above all, she was sick of it. She was sick of the violent dreams, sick of being reminded that bliss and happiness is temporary, and sick of that constant urge to scream and rip something apart.

Once her bed was made, she changed the water in the vases where her flowers were, and opened the blinds so they could get some sunlight. She needed to figure out what to do with all of the books she stole, but other than that, her room was straightened up.

She had to move forward. The next step after writing was talking. She had to at least try. If anyone would understand and help her sort out some of her thoughts, it would be Jamie. She opened up to him once already. She could do it again.

Daija sat on the bed and grabbed her phone to check her notifications. Her eyebrow raised when she saw that Jamie called her three times earlier. She made sure the door to the room was shut before pressing the call button.

When the line connected, she immediately said, "You called three times. Are you okay? You're not hurt, are you?"

"Hurt? No, I was just worried about you," he said, and her shoulders sagged in relief, "You didn't call early like you did yesterday. Also, turn your camera on. Lucky for the both of us, I'm off of work today and can talk for a bit longer."

She frowned, but did it, setting the phone up so he could see her clearly. From the looks of it, he was at his place. "You know, I still don't remember this becoming a rule every time we talk," she gave him a smile as she gestured to herself to show that all was well.

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