The beginning

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Well, today I am starting to write my thoughts emotions feelings everything as a new beginning. in a way, I want to sort my thoughts. You might think who I am but honestly even I don't know Who I am,  except I am a girl and my name is Arzoo I am unaware of myself. It may not make sense how a person can be so lost about themselves in life, but this is me. some of you may sympathize some may empathize and some may even criticize. Honestly, it doesn't make a difference to me cause I am currently at this mental stage where I don't care about the world. so that you know I am 21 years old and this is my birth month like I have been born in this month just to be a little specific. Born in a Muslim family studying and living in Mumbai. You will find my words rather confusing there might be no link between what I say at times it's just I am a girl who is currently lost on her own and is trying to find out Who and How about herself. you can say identity crisis but this is more than that. I live in a family of four my parents and my younger brother. Honestly, if you ask me do I love my family I would say no cause they don't behave the same always so it's like yes I do love them and then I am like no I don't love them. kinda confusing for me. There are many aspects of my life that I will reveal slowly through my talks and my confused thoughts. You can give me suggestions based on what you feel about my thoughts freely as i am good at taking feedbacks . 

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