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What's life if I ask you? I asked a very philosophical question right but is it that difficult of a question? I guess it is. For me, the life I say is the time I am alive and still breathing and doing whatever my heart tells me to do. In today's world everyone says one thing listen to your heart do what you feel is important do what you like to do what gives you happiness, let's be honest is it that simple to live a life even a day according to our will? I don't think so cause we humans no matter in whatever setting we are influenced our actions are influenced. A simple example I don't like sitting in the middle of two people in a rickshaw but what if there is an uncle and aunty I will have to sit in the middle cause the aunty is uncomfortable sitting next to the uncle so there I have to sacrifice what I like. So is it possible to live according to my will each day each second? Living in India we are thought to respect our elders and love them to care about them but what about when you grow up and you realize your elders just contributed to making you mentally insane would you respect them will you love them? Well, lot of questions in one paragraph I asked. If you want to think about it, especially the own will thing.........

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