Lucy's Pain

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Lucy's P.O.V.

Black. All I saw. Was I dreaming? I opened my eyes, and sure enough, was greeted by the usual. Natsu in my apartment. But, something was off. He was serious about something. Then it all came back. The guild. Being ignored. Cana throwing empty barrels of alcohol at me. Levy throwing books at me. Hell, even Happy threw fish at me! It was all because of Lisanna's return. I don't blame her, it's not her fault. She is a really kind person, and one of my best friends. Actually, my only friend now. Since she returned, I have been called weak, ignored, and beaten senseless countless times... But they don't know.
"Lucy." Natsu said in a serious, yet somewhat soft tone. That's when I noticed the other members of team Natsu in the room.
"Since it is my team, I'm kicking you off and replacing you with Lisanna. She is way stronger than you. You are nothing but weak. You should just go crawl in a hole and die." Natsu said coldly. It shocked me really. I never thought someone I loved so much could hurt me so bad. I looked over at Gray, and we exchanged knowing looks. He mouthed the words 'Not yet. They aren't ready.' I obeyed.
"Natsu get out. Only gray can stay. Lisanna I'm not mad at you, I just need to talk to him. Natsu. If I EVER see you within a hundred yards of my eyesight, you will regret being born. Now leave." I said blankly and cold, my eyes dull.
"BAHAHAH! SURREEEE! What will you even do with those pathetic keys of yours?" Natsu was laughing hysterically by now. Gray shivered.
"Bad choice of words, Natsu. Now your dead." Gray shivered once again.
"What did you say, Dragneel?" I said, cleat angered.
"Don't. You'll just ruin all your hard work on this scumbag. C'mon. Let's quit the guild. They don't deserve to be in your presence, Elementa." Gray tried to calm me down, but it wasn't working. He was holding me back at this point, and the others were shocked by my sudden change of attitude.
"Gray please, I really don't want to hurt you. Let me go." I stated, loosing my cool.
"You know why I can't do that..." He tried again.
"You forced me, brother. THAT WHICH HAS BEEN SEALED AWAY, OPEN UP ONCE AGAIN. I AM READY TO SHOW MY TRUE POWER ONCE AGAIN!" I began to chant, my eyes glowing golden. "I CALL FORTH THEE, MY POWER, THE POWER OF THE DRAGONS! REVEAL!"I finished. My hair was no longer blonde, it was much, much longer, and jet black with purple streaks. I was now wearing a pair of purple combat boots that reached the middle of my chins, a purple crop- top, and a matching skater-skirt. My hair was down, reaching my hips.
"Oh how I missed this. Gray, your turn?" I said blankly, as Gray, my brother, yes brother, transformed as well. He was now wearing black converses and slightly ripped jeans, with a matching ripped t-shirt.
"Ah, the clothes you wore when we escaped, brother," I half smiled, not wanting to remember the events now
"LUCY! I'm sensing so much magic power from you two, but how?" Natsu and the others asked stunned.
"You have no right to speak to Eleme-"
"Enough, Gray! For your information Natsu, Gray and I rule over the dragons in the Dragon Realm. We are brother and sister, and we were both tought all forms of dragon slaying since birth. Our mother died after I was born, and Gray practically raised me. Our father became... abusive. We barely made it out. We separated. My father died a year before you found me, Natsu. I heard Gray was in Fairy Tail, so I searched for him, and we decided to keep our identities secret, until you had to insult my keys. The last things my mother gave to me. Gray and I are quitting. We will watch you at the G.M.G. in two months. Pray we don't join another guild by then. Oh Gray, we will need to deal with Igneel when we return, thanks to this kid. He will beat his son senseless if he gets his hands on him! I do NOT want Igneel's wreck-lessness on my hands!" I half shouted the last part. Natsu pushed me against the wall and pinned me there.
"YOU KNEW WHERE GE WAS ABD DIDNT TELL ME? WHAT THE HELL LUCY, WE ARE A TEAM!" He shouted at me. Gray was getting angry. I easily pushed him off, and slapped him.
Correction, we WERE a team, till you kicked me off. We'll be going now." I said as I dragged Gray to the landlady's office. I gave her the last of the rent money I owed and my key. As soon as I finished, we began to speed off to the guild. How will we explain this to master?

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