I always look very close,
Too close.
I notice everything.
So many things
I notice my face.
The blemishes.
The freckles.
I notice my legs.
The fat.
The stretch marks.
I notice you.
The way you look at me
like the daughter you never wanted.
I notice the stares when
I accidentally wear shorts
Forgetting about my wounds.
I notice everything.
I notice what you don't.
I notice thestinchof my own blood.
I notice the anguish in my heart and
In my mind, I see
The End.
Thoughts via The Moment. (poetry)
Poetry© Alyssa Russ. 2011 - Present All rights reserved. No part of this document may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without prior written permission of Alyssa Diane...