one | platform 9 ¾

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Discalimer: None of these characters belong to me!


Lily Evans awoke on the morning she was heading back to Hogwarts, pretty happy. This summer had been pretty harsh as her sister, Petunia Evans hated her guts.

For Lily, ever since she gotten the Hogwarts invitation letter back when she was 11, Tuney had called her names, such as "Freak", it really hurt her as before they were really close.
Speaking of friends, on the very last day of Sixth Year, one of her only best friends, Serverus Snape had lashed out at her and called her a mudblood. If you didn't know, that was a word {usually Slytherins} used against Muggle born witches and wizards.


Lily headed down the stairs, now fully dressed and ready for breakfast. Her father swiftly greeted her and continued reading the paper.

"Morning, Lily! All packed?" Her mother said, much more enthusiastic than her Dad.

"Yeah, I'm pretty sure I'm good." She replied.

Her mum plated up the breakfast and placed it in front of her. Lily began eating and talked to her Mum, not about anything in particular.

Once she finished eating, Lily headed back up stairs to grab her suitcase.
It was 7:30 and the train would leave at 8, so she got a move on.


She got into the family car, with her Mum and Dad, Lily was excited to get back to her second home and see her friends.

Lily rested her head against the car window and watched the cars race by, she reflected on the summer she had.

At the very beginning, Petunia had announced she got a boyfriend, in all honesty, when her family met him exactly two weeks later, her was an selfish, arsehole. His name was Vernon Dursley, he was a large man with an off-centered, dirty beard and he was really boring.

Thinking about her sister having a boyfriend, made Lily wonder when she would get her first boyfriend and who it would be...


After about a 20 minute drive, they reached the train station, and for the finaly time before a new school year, she headed for Platform 9¾.

Before she ran through the wall, she said her goodbyes.

"Bye, Lils, have a good term." Her Dad stated, giving her a hug.

Lilys mother looked emotional:
"Look how much you've grown, Lilyflower." She continued, "Don't study too hard in the first few months, have fun! Bye." She said, before hugging Lily tight and waving.

She ran forwards and ended up alone on the platform, she searched for her best friend Alice Fortescue {A/N: Yes, she will be Alice Longbottom}.

Eventually, she found Alice sat on a bench beside the edge of the platform but once she saw her she leapt up and began telling Lily all about her summer.

"Lily! I missed you so much. Oh my! I have so many things to tell you. First, Frank wrote letters to me like everyday. Oh and we adopted two cats, called Saturn and October, they are so cute."
When she stopped talking she took a deep breath and looked at Lily, excitedly. She inhaled and began answering her:

"First, thats wonderful, im so happy for you! Second, cats? Amazing! I bet they are adorable, I have got to see them."
Without verbal answer, Alice hugged Lily again and jumped up and down.


They boarded the train and found their own compartment, they would wait here for Marlene Mckinnon and Mary Macdonald, their other best friends.

She set down her bags and got comfortable.

"There's something I didn't tell you over letter. I'm Head Girl!" She said, pride shining in her emerald eyes. Alice's mouth was in the shape of a small 'o' before she happily nodded.

"Awh, Lils, I'm so happy for you, you're the perfect one for the job. Do you know who the Head Boy is?" She questioned.

"No, not yet, but I'm assuming its Remus." I answered.

Remus Lupin was a part of The Marauders, a self-named group which consisted of four members: Remus, Peter Pettigrew, Sirius Black and, the most annoying, James Potter. James Potter was an arrogant, selfish and self-centered person who asked Lily out on dates at least once everyday from 1st Year all the way until 6th, and she didn't expect him to stop for 7th.

The Marauders were known to be troublemakers in Hogwarts but aside from that ¾ of them were rude, egotistical, bloody idiots.

Lily said ¾ of them as Remus was actually one of her close friends and they usually studied together.


Her thoughts were inturrupted by a loud knocking on the door, before a pretty blonde girl walked through the door.

"Marly!" Alice exclaimed.

"Alice! Lily! Hi!" She said, in her posh accent. Marlene Mckinnon, my best friend, sat down beside me, carelessly placing down her bags. She looked slightly irritated.

"Marly? Whats up?" I asked, genuinely concerned.

She sharply inhaled before beginning, "I have been on this train for less than fifty seconds and Sirius Black has already hit on me with his cheesy pick-up lines, I cannot believe him. I will never date him, he is a player. Anyway, I don't like him." Marlene finally finished her rant about Sirius, Lily and Alice exchanged a quick, knowing glance.
They knew that 'Blackinnon' as they made their ship name, would end up together.

"Y-Yeah, I can't believe he would do such a ludicrous thing." Lily lied, brushing the subject under the rug.

"Well, enough about me, how were your summers, girls?" Marlene asked, both of us. Lily began before Alice could:

"Kinda bad, to be honest, my sister and her new boyfriend have only called me names all summer." She voiced, upset.

Lily coughed, lightly before continuing. "Potter still found a way to ask me out at the beginning of the summer, but only once, unlike last summer..."

Potter had asked Lily out a total of 14 times over seven weeks last summer.

"Only once?" Marlene said, utterly surprised. Lily nodded quickly before being inturrupted, once again by a knock on the door.

A tall boy with dirty blonde hair and scars over his face stood in the entrance to the door, it was Remus.
"Hi, Remus, how was your summer?" She asked.

"It was fine." He said, leaving no room for questions. "There's a Prefect and Heads meeting in the bottom compartment round about now, if you're coming." He invited.

"Oh, so you're Head Boy?" She said, kind of assuming the answer.

He chuckled slightly before replying: "No, still prefect, but I know who it is."

Lily, absent-mindedly asked who it was.
"I won't be disclosing that information" He replied, in a posh way.

She brushed it off, still slightly wondering who. Lily stood up and said a quick goodbye to her friends.


Lily and Remus swiftly paced to the end of the carriage and walked into the Head compartment. She was shocked to see a tall boy with black hair and glasses, who slouched lazily in his chair. James. Potter.


Thanks for reading the very first part of my Marauders Era story. I hope you enjoyed.
Remember if you spot any mistakes be sure to leave a comment.
I would also love for you to comment anything you would like to see in the story in the future.

-Hattie ♡

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