Chap 4: 😇Angles & demons😈

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"Seems to have a few hybrids, Fairys and a half vampire here" As the scientist locked the door of the cage locking 6 of the creatures in there. "Noona. You're ok right?" Jeongin asked. 

"Im fine. Dont worry I.N" Jihyo smiled. "I-I- Should have eaten before the w-war" Seonghwa the Vampire said. "I can be unstable sometimes if i dont drink" Seonghwa said. 

"Just calm down Seonghwa. We could get out in time. Try not to form" Sumin said. "Im also hungry. The war is making my lion hungry" Hyuka siad. 

Monsters Island

"How are we gonna feed her?" Ten asked. "I dont know. ask her what she wants" Taeil said. "E-err N-noona. Do Y-you want to eat something?" Ten asked awkwardly standing at the door frame.

"nah, Im good.j-just need something to clean this wounds" Irene said. "Erhh we'll be back" Taeil said pulling Ten with him. "We need to kill johnny" Taeil said. "wait... why so sudden." ten asked.

"As long as the demon lives, The angles stays corrupted. Remember?" Taeil said. "We cant just kill one of Taeyong's best demon?" Ten said. "My best demons?" Taeyong came out of nowhere.

"*sigh* Johnny corrupted a few parts of irene. As long as he lives Irene stays corrupted" Taeil said. "Its up to her if she wants Johnny to be dead" Taeyong said looking at Johnny who was playing with Jisung.

They came back to Irene with the first aid kit and also Seulgi. "Can you help her." Ten asked. "I cant. Corrupted angels can kill fairies like me. You just need to look after her while she's here" Seulgi said.

As irene touches on of the burn marks it spreads to the area she touched making her scream a little. "Im sorry Irene. Whether you stay corrupted or we kill Johnny for your angles back" Seulgi said. "I-....." Irene looked over to Johnny who is now with Ten.

"I guess i could stay like this" Irene smiled sadly. "You sure? Johnny is just a demon. He wont feel the pain of death" Taeil said. "Yeah.... I'm sure" Irene said. "Than you for sparing my life Noona" Johnny said. 

"Ok Ok. Stop this drama and get back to work" Taeyong said. "I'll take care of her" Taeyong said sitting next to Irene's bed. All sighed then went back to tracking the 6 missing creatures. "DOes Jisoo knows that im here?" Irene asked.

"The Queen still didn't know. I'll inform her later" Taeyong said. "Ok" 

Jisoo's POV

"Lisa, update the status today" I ordered. "Ok. Hmm... Seems like Irene is found with the Neo team safe under their bunker. Irene is a bit corrupted by Johnny's touch while trying to save her but other than that she's fine" Lisa informed.

"We also got a rather shocking wave of energy which seems to be coming from a vampire scream. The signal is from the KQ Experiment Lab in korea" Lisa continued. "Thanks lisa. Anything else?" I asked. "No" Lisa said. 

"Rose'. Can you bring the healing team to the males who got injured. It's an order from G-dragon" I said. "For sure" Rose' Said bowing slightly. "No need to bow to me. Im your friends after all" I laughed and they did to then continue with their work. 

"Jennie. could you help me arrange a meeting with G-dragon tomorrow. I have some news" I said again. "Ok" Simple answer that is acceptable. "*Sigh* This is so much work" I sighed walking along the Dragon beach side where the most damage were to be seen. 

"This island use to be so peaceful before this. *Sigh*" I sighed again sitting down at the beach. At that moment the sun starting to go down as I saw a few moon fairies doing their job of controlling the dark.

"Hey, You ok there? You look tired?" I felt someone's hand on my shoulder. I turned to the side with G-Dragons Face. "Yeah just..... This is to much job for me to handle" I said. "Being a king is hard. I know that but we are the ones who are gonna make the right choices for this island of ours. Plus.. you have Rose', Lisa and Jennie by your side" He said. 

I smiled hearing their names. "two thousand years before this our parents never thought that angles and demons could work together. Especially when humans where on the demons side" He said

"but look at us. A light angles and A dark dragon demon is working together. Even before this hybrids and fairies where lower level now we are just the same" He continued. I giggled. "If our parents where here they would be so proud. We use to fight each other when we're 5. And look at us. We're a team now" He smiled.

"thanks for comforting me here. I really hope monsters would stay like this forever" I said. 


"They look so cute together" "I know right?" "Maybe another picture wont hurt" 

We both turned around with TXT. Taking pictures of us. "Hey, Hey. Delete that photo" G-dragon said. "Never" Taehyun said. "Awww" I heard more giggles and whisper and i turned around the other side to see Itzy is now taking pics and vids. "Hey stop that!" I said.

And the night went on with me chasing itzy and G-dragon chasing TXT....

This is what it used to be.....



If you dont get any of the things here , I have another book where i explain these creatures that i wrote and even how they work etc. And some of my own creations will be there to. So go check that out sooner or later.

-Author Huss

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