Male polt x female werewolf reader

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{So now you're a werewolf of this story... yay I don't got anything to say so enjoy the story}

( Reader P.o.V )
Sport Club 'Kobold'...

I was lying on the couch in the Sport Club since I was ordered to work there for making troubles around. I guess it's better then being deported back or sitting in jail. I have a huge gym for free and all I do is help others who wants to have a work out here. I get money for showing them how to use some of the machines or how to properly do some exercise. When no one is at the need of my help I can just relax by lying in my private room or train like they do but that's not everything.
My boss is a sexy coach with body I would gladly enjoy to call mine. He had a cute wolf nose and fluffy wolf's ears and tail. He was like a typical coach woud be. Energetic and trying to get others to try physical things. As our races are close to each other I guess I could say that I was enjoying the same things as he did. Of course he was also very kind and didn't mind taking me in and even was spending time with me. However it sounds like she also was getting on a walks with me.

Soon enought he came to check up on me. "You okay (Y/N)?" I smiled and showed thumb up. "Everything's all right Nolt. How's at the gym?" He smiled and jumped on the couch next to me. "It's late so most of people left. I think that it's all for today so we can close and get back home." I nod and he started to pet me. I loved when he was doing this. My tail was wagging hapilly and his was doing so too. "Let's go then!" He said and stopped petting me.
I felt a bit sad at the lack of the nice feeling but get up and went behind him. We exit the Sport Club and he closed it behind us. It was getting dark and we walked forward like it's nothing but I felt like needing to do something. I grab his hand and when he turned to me I blushed a little. "I don't want anything to happen to you. I-I mean... you helped me." He giggled and get closer to me leaning slightly against me. I smiled in the dark. "Thank you (Y/N). Come on, home is not far from here."

We walked like that for some time enjoying each other company until a group of humans get in our way. "Look! Exchange freaks!" They laught and the guy walked up to us with a girl on his side. "We didn't get to laught at naga or play around with centaur's boobs but maybe the dogs will be more fun!" They laught again and the guy from the side reach for Nolt. I turn making the bandages on my hands and feet to fall off. I showed my werewolf part and grab guy's hand. Nolt took a step back and tug on my vest.

"You can't hurt me little doggie!" He laught but I lift his arm up and he started to rise on his toes. "Get back! Try to touch him and I will beat you up like the trash you all are!" I felt anger and was ready to fight but they laught at me. "Little dog wants to protect her bitch!" When one of them said that I toss the guy I was holding at him. They fall back and yelled from pain. "One more word you little scumbags." I said and get ready to use my claws.

I felt something hugging me and I turn to see Nolt. "They're not worth it (Y/N). You promised to change when I took you in!" I look down and sigh. I send humans a dark look and grab Nolt's hand. I started to drag him away but soon he screamed. I turn around with bloodlust in my eyes and saw one of them pulling his tail. I started to growl lowly and he noticed. Before he could stop me I jump at the man and smacked his face a few times. Just as I was about to stab him with my claws someone grabbed my forearm.

I turn around ready to attack but it turned out to be Smith. "(Y/N) don't tell me you did it again." he said with resignation. I wanted to say something back but in next second a group of soldiers jumped down and started to arrest the humans. "For breaking Culture Exchange Rules you are being arrested and soon a court will start over your case." They took them away and I look down. "Does that mean I'll get deported?" he giggled and pat my head. "I thought I told you to call us when something like this will happen. Anyway you're free for now but remember for next time. Call us."

He walked away and I sigh reliefed. Soon someone hug me and then gave me a slap on the head. "I told you they're not worth it!" Nolt was glaring at me but I gave him a small smile. "Maybe not. But I wouldn't let them hurt you." He just sigh and giggled afterwords. "Just listen to Smith next time. I decided to help you from being deported not to see you getting in troubles again." I pet his ears and he did the same to me. "I promise I won't do anything stupid... at least for now." "I heard that..." And so we continue our walk. The memories of when he agreed to take me as his assistant still fresh in my mind...

At 'Sport Club Kobold'...

I was being pulled by an ogre boy to the big building that looked like some sort of sport club. When they dragged me inside I was met with a cute Kobold boy. His wolf ears twiched when he heard them dragging me all the way to him. He walked up to us and smiled. "Hi Nolt. We have someone for you to take care of." Smith said and I struggled in ogre's grasp. "I can take care of myself!" I yelled but Nolt walked up and started to scratch me behind the ear. It felt so good. "No problem Smith! I needed an assistant anyway!" "Great. Looks like you getting along already. Come on Tio, let's go." And so they left me on Nolt's mercy...

Nolt's house...

We already took shower and change to our night clothes which in my case was just boxers. Nolt was staring at me but with his wearing just a really short shorts and a little oversized T-shirt sure were giving me a lot of views too. It didn't took long for us to decided that it time to sleep. I get to my room and lied down on the bed. Before I fall asleep I felt someone rawling over me and when I looked up I saw Nolt. He hugged me and put his head on my chest.

"How's my girlfriend doing all alone in this big bed?" He asked and trailed his finger on my chin. "G-Girlfriend?!" He giggled a little and pecked my lips. "You don't think I took you in just because I needed help, right? I'm a Kobold so taking care of things like that is not a problem to me. Mating however is another thing..." My eyes went wide. I forgot that Kobolds have it a little faster than us. Maybe to a week diffrence max. His face turned deep red and he was panting heavily. "Be useful for something more than making troubles..." He said and grabbed my face before slamming his lips on mine...
~The end~
1321 words

male monster musume x female readerWhere stories live. Discover now