Male draco x female reader

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Reader's P.O.V

"Come on, Droco!" You said, "This whole thing is immature!"

Droco growled at you, turning around and push you. You cussed as Droco began running away from you. You held yourself, as you looked up at Droco, seeing him running off into the horizon. You sighed softly. You and Droco had gotten into a fight this morning. All over you calling Droco cute. In his words, he wasn't cute, he was fearless and tough.

"... Droco..." You muttered.

You let out a sigh and began your search for him. Two hours passed before you found Droco sitting by himself on a park bench. No one else was around. You slowly approached Droco and sat down next to him. He didn't move or look at you.

"What...?" Droco said.

"... I'm sorry..." You said.

Droco sighed and rested his head on your shoulder. Grey rain clouds had slowly covered the sky, and it threatened to rain at any moment. You wrapped an arm around Droco, softly placing your hand on her waist.

"... I shouldn't have... push you" Droco said.

You rubbed your cheek with your spare hand.

"It's fine..." You said, "... You don't like being called cute... I know that..."

Droco sighed, glancing up at you. You looked down into Droco's beautiful eyes.

"... I overreacted..." Droco said.

You smiled a bit.

"So, can I call you cute, then?" You asked.

Droco blushed deeply, shaking his head no.

"What would you like to be called them?" You asked.

Droco blushed deeper, mumbling his words. You couldn't understand. You softly ran your hand up Droco's side, across his chest and softly rubbed his cheek.

"You can tell me, Droco" You said, "I won't laugh at you."

Droco gulped.

"C-Call me... your... Big Tough Dragon Boy..." Droco said.

You smirked and softly pinched Droco's cheek.

"My Big Tough Dragon Boy, huh?" You said.

Just hearing it made Droco blush the deepest who'd ever seen. It was very cute. So much that you wanted to call him a cutie, but you didn't want to be push again.

"I think that's the perfect nickname for you, Droco" You said.

Droco smiled up at you. A raindrop hit Droco between the eyes. He blinked, the both of you looking up at the sky. The clouds had darkened, and it began raining. You stood up and grabbed Droco, helping him up in your arms.

"You might be my Big Tough Dragon Boy" You said, "But that will never stop me from carrying you home."

Droco smiled a bit, snuggling close to you.

"... I wouldn't have that any other way..." Droco said.

You kissed Droco on the lips softly, as you began walking home in the rain. Droco smiled and returned the kiss, before snuggling up with you again, not caring that he and you were getting soaked. Being together was nice enough for Droco, even though he didn't show it or tell you.
~The end~
495 words (sorry if this was short)

male monster musume x female readerWhere stories live. Discover now