She came finally

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Taehyung p.o.v

After seeing her I can't control myself I went to her with my tears flowing down...I hugged her so tight I dunno what it is if it's a dream I wish it never end...I want to be like this... I want to hold her like this till my last breath.
The sound of her heartbeat, Her hairs all of her neck the smell of her perfume everything I missed. I feel like I am hallucinating things.

But no I indeed can touch her I can kiss her I can see her smiling around me. I am in a situation I dunno what to say...I was just hugging her.

While she lifted me back with her bight smile...

" Taehyung "

This voice I am hearing after whole more than 2 months.

I was just standing glancing at her with a full face covered by tears...

I was just standing glancing at her with a full face covered by tears

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While seeing she wiped my tears and kissed me on my feels like times stopped for a while my brain  not able to hear anything the only thing I can see is she.

While afterward, we seat on the couch I canceled all my meet immediately. I ordered coffee as usual my Americano and her fav latte

 I ordered coffee as usual my Americano and her fav latte

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We drank while holding our hands...

She seems happy I was just glancing at her...

" Baby what happen?" She said while smirking

While I came to my sense

"Where were you????" I said while lifting my eyebrow

" I...I wanna tell you...firstly are you happy that I came back???" she asked

" Is this a question? You dunno how stressed I was because you didn't come that day.....

" I know I know everything but I weren't able to come there is something painful reason behind


" Yes okay listen "

" I was contacting you as you knew my contract issue my contract was ended and they stated condition as I have to go LA immediately to renewing and I reached there I was afraid as it was my last chance or else I have to leave this industry and I know I didn't have another per the address I have to meet the director at Anaheim.
I was about to take a cab I went to the highway. It's past 15 min no cab as my phone was in flight mode so I didn't have enough time for it.
I thought I should cross it I was about to cross suddenly I dunno how as I was full of stress...suddenly I got blank and how sudden a car came and after I dunno what happened as I woke up I was in bed I just blink someone came near me

"Doctor she woke up finally "

Doctor arrived

" you woke up I am so happy finally after 2months "

" Do you remember anything?"

" What's your name? "

They started to questioning me

I was just..blank

A few hours later I started to recalling everything

Suddenly I screamed

" Taehyung "

I dunno how I rushed out from there but they stopped they told me to wait for 1 day I agreed I asked them where is my phone and I saw it was completely broken...

After a day I repaired it and booked my flight and came here right away but I was broken after reading some article that you are married it's broke my heart but I knew you would have some reason.

So here I am

After hearing how much in pain she was I started feeling ashamed of myself I thought she ditch me but no no I was wrong how can I think about it... it's broke my heart but I am happy she alive I am happy so much

"Don't worry about marriage it's fake and we will divorce after 4 months don't worry trust me then after we will be always together " I said to her while holding her hand

"I trust you tae," she said

"Let's meet tomorrow and I have to meet your wife also place our meet "

I was very happy as she came...

We hugged and she kissed me and she went while giving me a wide big smile...

Taehyung p.o.v

Wow-what a happy Jennie is back

Jennie p.o.v

I rushed out I took my phone and straight away dialed his number

" Okay Mission Successful " I said while giving my witch smile....

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