A Different View part 2

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April 20, 1998

( Hansaung High School )

The Day when I first realized who I am?

In the middle of the lecture session, Ma'am called me in her office.  I was clueless about what's going on. 

They started bladdering and I was confused over the period.  I can hear them but I can't get what they are trying to say.  Someone arrived to take me home.  And without noticing who they are I went with them.  As soon as reached my home I was surrounded by lots of people near.  But in the crowd, I was searching for my familiar faces... I went in and in... I started to hear the voice which scared me... I was been hugged... I was been placed near some white cloth.

As a 5 year kid, I don't know what to do a wind blows and the white cloth is slightly sided and I have seen my parents lay down in it

Are they sleeping?  Why they are not opening their eyes?  Why they are not hugging me as they usually do?  Why they are not calling me????


I placed both hands on my head and started screaming
"Mummaaaaaaa' " Dadaaaaaaa"

I started to push them

" Wake uppppppp. See I am here "

Someone started to hold me... " Aunty why they are not waking up???? " Tell them I am here "

And they started to hold me tightly they even didn't leave me alone... As the day passed, I noticed " Someone Brutally killed my parents...

" But why? "

Some of my relatives even claimed my house as of them and they sent me to an orphanage...

I was very very lonely in those days I even don't have anyone who I can share with this no one wanna be my friend... Years by years past

But then someone came near me as I was busy viewing children playing... He gave me candy which he has... As I didn't even notice him without seeing him

I responded "7 m distance Mister XYZ"


"If you think I am very sensitive jolly girl no dude I am S. A. V. A. G. E okay "

" okay miss Savage, would you like to be my friend then? "

I chin up to see him
"Who the hell... Are u"?

And I noticed him...

A 12-year-old nosy boy he was short and has wavy black hair with one hand with some candies

"Excuse me miss now you gonna take this candy or not or else I would enjoy this yum candy?  "

I quickly took some and started to have it...

" Can I seat here? "


" So what's your name? Miss savage? "

" I won't tell my name to a stranger? "

" What's yours? "

." my name is Kai "

" Okay... I guess you are new here so there are lots of children over there you can go and play with them Mr. K "

" Well as it corrects there are lots of children over there you can also play with them, miss savage "

"No, I won't I hate them "

" as I too hate them then"

" Wae?"  I gazed while him

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