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Taehyung p.o.v

What should I do know? She might be scared..but how did this even happen?

Whom should I contact now!! Can I go a bit ahead to sick help..but she is alone I can't leave her like this...

While I was about to go back to her I saw a small supermarket ahead

While I was about to go back to her I saw a small supermarket ahead

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I went in. I told them about the situation. They told me not to worry They gave me to use their cell. I contacted jimin and told him about it. Well, he said he will come there to take us back just we have to wait there a bit more time. I took some drinks and water with and an umbrella but unfortunately, there was the only one left so no choice I have to take it.

I rushed out and went near her

She was appalled, as the bench was some sort of in. So rain didn't wet her as such but she was shivering as the wind was too wild.

I sat next to her gave her some hot beverages and she sighs. I inform her about the situation and just we were a relief after hearing those.

As we didn't talk much for a few minutes and then suddenly she queried

" Taehyung Can I ask you something?"

I looked at her and responded, " Yes sure what you wanna ask?"

" Nothing something blew my mind As I think you knew many things about me but I didn't know about you much?"

I got confused *

" Ya but in which term you want to know "

" Like a life secret!!"

" I didn't have such "

" See you know about my trauma right so there must be something hidden in your life too if you wanna say you can share it "

" Okay lemme try...

It is about my childhood secret there was a teacher who teaches us a secondary subject. And she was nice and she was too much nice so I got a crush on her. As I was so shy boy I once decided to ask her on a date. I made a greeting card for her myself. I went to the class storeroom and was about to knock. But the door was slightly open so I went in. There was no one in. So I was about to turn back but I heard a rasped voice.

So I started peeking and what I saw was disgusting

" What was it??"

" I bit shy to say that but don't laugh okay because I will bust out...

I saw her seeing porn  "

And they both  busted out so hard

" So so-called nice teacher was so nice hahaha "

Okay now your turn jisoo

"The thing was you know my dad didn't remarry because of me so what I thought to do was make it. So I told some of my online friends about him but didn't introduce him as my father. And the moment came when every girl was at the dining table and my dad arrived and said

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