A Risk Worth Taking

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Lena, queen of the Kieran Isles, allowed herself a few moments of quiet contemplation every day, just before daybreak, to clear her mind and prepare for the day ahead. She sat before the vanity, brushing her waist length black hair until it shone like ebony silk. A quick wipe across her lids with her kerchief removed the sleep from her piercing green eyes. Three loud knocks at her chamber door disturbed her reverie. She quickly tied her heavy emerald robe at the waist and called out.


The door opened and the queen's chancellor and dearest friend Sam entered her bedchamber.

"Good Morrow, Your Majesty," Sam said. She bowed deeply and moved to Lena's side.

"Good Morrow, Sam. Did you sleep peacefully?"

"I did, Majesty. Thank you. I am grieved to interrupt your time of reverie and contemplation."

"Take a seat near the fire and tell me what troubles you so early in the day."

"You asked to be informed right away if we heard any updates from Argos."

"Aye. What have you heard?"

"They have won their battle with Rojas. It was a narrow but impressive victory. The battle depleted their stores and their knights, but they stood strong. Queen Andrea and the brutes of the Scarlet Scythe retreated to Rojas after only twelve hours. Our people say the victory was extraordinary. Andrea's army outnumbered the Sapphire Queen's army five to one."

Lena shook her head and placed her hands in her lap, rubbing her smooth palms against the rough brocade of her robe.

"I'm relieved they were victorious. I hoped with all my heart that Andrea would come to her senses and leave Argos be, but she hasn't been in her right mind since her mother, Queen Savi passed."

"Has she ever been in her right mind?"

"We were friends when we were children. A long time ago, Rojas and the Kieran Isles were allies and our mothers were good friends. Queen Savi and Andrea showed us their cruel side, and we left Rojas never to return. Andrea's madness appears to have fully consumed all her senses."

"What do you think she will do?"

"One reason I walked away from her was her unpredictable nature. There is no telling what she might do. I sincerely hoped Andrea wouldn't attack Argos, but she is just as despicable as the other queens. Argos has fought off many attacks since Eliza passed on, but I can no longer stand idly by and watch Queen Eliza's home get attacked. This Sapphire Queen may not be Eliza, but she is of her blood and has defended her realm honorably."

"What are you going to do?"

"I shall write to Queen Kara and extend a hand of friendship and support."

"Will you also propose marriage?"

Lena chuckled and shook her head.

"I don't know the woman. We met many years ago when we were young children, but she is a stranger. I hardly think a proposal would be appropriate. You sound just like Mother."

"You are the only two queens left unmarried in Pavia. I know it may not be what you want to hear, but your mother is wise in the ways of the realms. Aoife knows that a marriage will always strengthen bonds and ease tensions. You ask us both for our counsel. Extending your friendship and support without exchange may not be the best decision."

"You sound just like her. She thinks a good match can solve everything. I have no intention of marrying a woman I do not know for the sake of marrying. If I choose a bride, she will be someone I love. Argos will receive no less protection or friendship from me if Queen Kara doesn't share my bed. The other realms have picked apart the bones of the once mighty Argos. Queen Eliza was a dear friend to Kieran, and I will do what I can to protect her legacy. I will extend a hand and see if the queen takes it."

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