Ep [1]

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This story is inspired by the Indian movie Jab We Met, please kindly bear with my abnormal brain and unexpected English.



I stood there staring down at the still water.

My soul shook, everything told me not to.

But my emotions, over roaded me.

My eyes were sparkling, staring at the water which was shining blue due to the moonlight.

This is the time I shall end my-

My thoughts were cut off as I heard someone yell something like

"Wait up mister!!"

I look to my right side and saw a girl in a white coloured bride dress running towards me while shouting.

I was frozen, so many things flashed inside my mind.

And then she held my wrist and pulled me off from the edge.

I was about to fall but she pulled me towards her, hugging me tightly.

The fuck!?

I tried to push her away but she clung to me more.

"Listen...i-i madam w-what happened?"

I asked nervously, my hands felt weak and they were shaking out for no reason.

"Hold up hottie"

She whispered in my ears and hugged me more tightly.


I gulped and glanced around me when I noticed some guys were there but ran away.

So she was escaping them?

I thought and tapped her shoulder.

"They are gone"

I said and she hummed in response.

"N-now you can l-leave me"

Fuck it!! Why am I stuttering!?

"What if I don't want to?"

She said followed by a small chuckle.

I took a deep breath to calm my shaking heart and hands.

Taehyung, stop stuttering for god's sake!

Come on! Be tough!!

I thought and said, "You want me to push you away harshly?"

✔THE LOST MR RICH || TAEHYUNGWhere stories live. Discover now