Ep [43]

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"It will give relief in no time!"

Jungkook said putting oitment on your small bump which you got by crashing into a pole because you were running crazily on road.

"Thanks Jungkook"

You said with a sweet smile.

"Next time be careful don't run on streets like this.." seokjin said worriedly looking at you. 

You awkwardly chuckled to that.

"Now you can go home and taebitch!  Take better care of her understand?"

Jin said to Taehyung who was just feeling mad out of no reason.

Why are you smiling with Jungkook? Not with him?

"Yeah I will."

He said looking away.

"Thanks a lot you both! It was nice meeting you!" You said standing up and after the small talk you left from there with a quite Taehyung.

Rightnow you were in the car, just some random song playing in the background.

"Tae? What's wrong you are so quite suddenly?"

You asked as you noticed his sudden silence.


He said avoiding your question and focusing on the road.

You just shrugged your shoulders.

How do I tell her?
I'm still confused with my feelings..
What was that? Made me feel like wanting to tell the world she is mine when clearly she isn't?
What's in her heart? I never know?
What if suddenly she doesn't like my company? Suddenly I'm no one?
Why do I suddenly want to expect things from her?

Taehyung thought glancing at you from time to time.

He knew he was falling for you more and more, but deep down he was scared...scared that one day you will leave him like others did?

Should he be expecting things from you?


"Mom! You are back! What did the doctor Uncle said?"

Aera asked running to you followed by Sara.

"Mumma will get a surgery and then boom she will be fine like before! No worries!"

You said kneeling down to their level.

"You know me, Sara, you and Emma auntie are now bestfreinds! We will make our group! The superstar girls!!"

✔THE LOST MR RICH || TAEHYUNGWhere stories live. Discover now