Ep [19]

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Taehyung stayed in the hotel for night taking some time to think before doing anything. 

He tried to sleep but couldn't, his own emotions were eating him up.

He layed on his bed just staring at the ceiling and soon he fell asleep.


The morning seemed to be filled with hurry.

He got ready and instantly headed off to the address given.

It was not that far, just half and an hour distance and he reached his destination.

He asked some people about y/n but no one knew her name.

Now he wished he asked her husband's name atleast. 

Frustratedly knowing nothing, he again took out the page where y/n's sister wrote everything.

He is a rich politician .

It clicked in his mind.

He hurriedly searched for any human present there and found an old man.

"Uncle do you know any rich politician lives here?"

He asked and the man agreed.

"That Mr. Kang? Oh yes he recently visited here with his family."

The old man said and guided him till his house.

And now taehyung was right infront of the house.

Her house?

It looked quite good, to him though.

Not thinking much he went and rang the doorbell.

And his heart beat increased.

Not soon the door opened reveal a girl. 

It was none other than her.


She was shocked to see him there.

He smiled as he saw her, a sense of relief reaching his heart while on the other hand y/n had her switches blast.

She widened her eyes and slightly whispered "Go back! Please don't come here again!"


He asked directly saying it out loud and y/n freaked out.

"Y/n!? Who is it!?"

A male's voice shouted from inside.

"C-Courier...I guess they misunderstood the address! Sir this is not our parcel."

She yelled back and whispered a low "Go!!" With glaring eyes.

And she shut the door on his face.

✔THE LOST MR RICH || TAEHYUNGWhere stories live. Discover now