Ep [21]

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"Yah why are you freaking out!? He is nothing infront of me! Just wait and watch how I will handle that baby dinosaur!"

Taehyung said confidently walking towards the main door.

Y/n pulled him back and whispered-yelled at him.

"Are you freaking crazy!? You don't even have any security and he keeps a freaking gun!!"

"Yaa don't worry I know kung-fu okay!?"

Y/n face palmed herself and pushed him behind the curtains.

"Shut up and don't you dare do any stupid thing!!"

She glared at him and walked towards the door.

She glanced back at him to see him peaking his head out, she gave him a glare and he hide again.

And then she opened the door revealing her so-called husband giving her a questioned look.

"What took you so long to open?"

He asked coming inside.


She said wishing the pabo behind curtains don't do anything stupid.

"Shoes off."

He commanded. Y/n knew it will make taehyung go mad in anger.

"AY! Are you deaf or what!? Keep acting silly? It's been a long got a good treatment?"

He asked leaning towards her face, his fingers reaching her chin and lifting her head up.

A one second eye-contact and y/n shook her head after muttering a small "sorry"

And she instantly scrotched down, taking his shoes off.

"Sorry sorry sorry blah blah blah"
He mocked her but she ignored him and hurriedly took his shoes off.

Meanwhile, taehyung was burning in anger.

He was about to come out but saw y/n's pleading face as she turned around to keep that donkeys shoes on place.

"You came at this time?"

She asked and noticed his clothes were all covered in mud.

"Yeah the car got punctured on the way, Driver was repairing it so I came out and stood on the road side when a car passed by me and there was a dig filled with mud so this.."

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