Ep [41]

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I glanced at y/n to find her already asleep in my arms.

She must be tired, I am too.

I wiped away her half-dried tears and picked her up in bridal style.

Her condition is really bad, who knows what can happen in a moment? Last time I saw her smiling and laughing with her daughters and now, I will get her check up done in the morning itself.

Taehyung thought while carrying you in his arms, all the way from the garden to your room.

He quietly stepped inside your room placing your unconscious body on the bed, making sure not to wake up any of the kid.

Carefully covering you with the thick and warm blanket he planted a small peck on Aera and Sara's forehead, he was about to leave when he leaned in towards your face.

And lightly kissed your forehead before leaving.


"Everything will go smooth like butter except one thing....her fertility rate has fallen too low, she might not be able to get pregnant again, but it's possible with the use of new technologies."

The doctor said in a rather dark tone, is he explaining us or threatening us?

Taehyung and I exchanged looks.

"A-are you sure doctor? There's n-no risk in surgery?"

I asked with nervousness.

He leaned in towards me with eyebrows squinting together.

Okay this doctor is handsome but-

"Pretty lady, it's Kim Seokjin you can call me Jin too! And if you are feeling nervous then you can stare at my handsome face for a while, you will feel better!"

He said passing me a playful wink.

"We are here for discussing about surgery and check up , hyung."

Taehyung said annoyingly and the doctor glared at him.

"I know too you kid! The reports are on way! Till then im trying to make my patient comfortable now do you have any problem with that!?"

My eyes widened when he rapped everything out like a casual-eminem.

"You are only troubling her more! What kind of doctor are you? I told you not to take on medical field but when do you listen to me?"

Taehyung said scolding him, "I took medical because im passionate about it! Let it be you won't understand you even pass out at the sight of injection!"

The doctor replied back, i just sat there with mouth close and eyes wide open in confusion.

What the.

"When did I-!? It was J-hope hyung who threw his legs up in the air because he was scared of injection! And I fainted because his legs crashed into my head!"

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