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"Thank you soo much for the drive home" I say as he pulled in front of my house.

"Really, no worries" he added.

I opened my door and stood up. He went to the back and carefully picked up Diane she was still asleep.

I opened up the gate extremely quietly trying not to wake up Diane. We walked up my drive and from the corner of my eye I could see Isaac staring at me.

We reached the front door and I run the door bell. I heard foot steps from upstairs going down and I saw a figure behind the glass coloured window of a rose.

The door opened and I saw the face of my twin sister.

"Hey Tesla" her warm smile turned into a cocky one as soon as she saw Isaac.

"Hi I'm Isaac" he greeted.

"Hi I'm Annalise but everyone calls me Lise" she still had that smug smile on her face "how about I take Diane from you she seems to be very tired" she reached out for Diane and walked out the door with her in her arms.

"Thank you again for the ride" I said.

"No problem" He smiled and we kinda just stood there for about three seconds just smiling until I decided to brake the silence.

"Um, do you wanna come in?" I offered.

"Um thank you, but I need to go home my mum wants me back for dinner, but what I will do is sign your cast" he pulled out a pen from like no where. He quickly wrote on my cast and have me a smile and started to walk off. He turned around and gave me a wave.

"Good bye, love" he said before I saw him close the gate behind him and sit in his car and drive off.

I walked into my house still having that smile on my face. I tried putting on my pocker face but I just couldn't wipe it off.

I walked into the dinning room and I saw Lise and mum sitting in the dinning room serving themselves dinner.

I sat next to Lise and began to serve myself some Pho.

Once we all finished serving my mum said grace. Then we began to eat.

"Okay" my mum said nervously. "Um you know that job I've been applying for, for ages now" she began.

"Well I got in!" She exclaimed.

"What!" I yelled. "I'm sorry mum for yelling but that means were going to move!"

"I know but I thought that you would be okay but when you told me you didn't want to go to Riverton I know this was going to be hard to say" she said truthfully. "But I can always say no" she added.

"No mum I don't want you doing that for me" I sighed "I-I just, miss dad"

"I know we all do and that's apart of the grieving proses but would your father want you mopping around all day and not living your life?" I shook my head. "so we're going to move and I would really love it if you could please go to Riverton Privet but your a young lady your gonna be turning seventeen soon and after that you'll be eighteen, an adult so you can make your own decisions" I can't do that to my family, we all gotta make sacrifices. I can't be greedy.

"I'll go to Riverton" I gave up, I know mum guilt tripped me but she was right. It is only gonna be like 3 terms and them exams plus I have made some friends I can do this.

Mum smile grew and that makes me happy because all I want is to please my mum.

I grabbed my fork and started to eat my dinner. I soon finished and helped Lise with the dishes.

"So, Isaac didn't you hate his guts?" She broke the silence.

"Yeah I don't know, Diane really likes him and I couldn't disagree with her adorable face and then when we actually started to talk like normal people I guess he's kinda nice" I replied back.

"And he's hot too" she added. It wasn't a lie but I prefer the term handsome. "But I don't want you hanging around him too much there's something a bit off about his behaviours when I saw him talking to you after I went into to drop Diane to sleep" so she was watching us.

"Yeah" I mentally slapped myself for my poor voice of words.

"What did he end up writing on your cast?" She asks pointing towards it.

"I don't know? Never looked" I say and lift it up. My eyes widen at what I saw.

"What?!" She says a bit panicked. And a stupid grin comes upon my face.

Ohhh drama. Okay I know this suck really badly so please don't judge I suck at this and I know this is a a short chapter I just thought it would be a bit dramatic ending for the chapter.

Tesla ReedWhere stories live. Discover now